Fall Background
Saturday, December 19, 2009
If you're like me, all too often resembling Martha from the items on the list to the attitude performing each task, these words of wisdom serve as a needed reminder to cultivate a Mary heart.
“Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42
This week, I’m planning Christmas dinner. I went to the grocery store yesterday. I’m going again today. And tomorrow. And Christmas Eve.
Actually, it’s a dinner that Jesus is referring to in Luke 10:42. The Greek word for “portion” here means “meal.”
He tells Martha--who is busily preparing a meal that fed the body--that Mary has chosen the good meal. Mary was eating a meal that fed the soul.
But not only that—Jesus said it was a meal that would not be taken away from her. Wow! Now that’s a really good meal!
It might take us twenty minutes to eat Christmas dinner. It will take our body 24-32 hours to digest that meal. The benefits won’t last for long.
But when we make the Lord’s teaching our meal, when we feast on His Word, the benefits from that meal will last for a very long time.
So long in fact, that Jesus said, it will not be taken away from us. Not in 24 hours, not in 24 years, not even in eternity.
Think about that. Every time we read, study, meditate or memorize God’s Word we are ingesting truth that will never be taken away from us.
That’s astounding!
That’s a meal we don’t want to skip!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
In the interest of catching up, here's a pic from Thanksgiving! I drove up to Virginia to be with family as Mom and Dad hosted for their first Thanksgiving in the new house!
It was great to celebrate the holidays with family though, as always, it was an incredibly quick trip. The drive up and back was thankfully, fairly easy and filled with the beautiful colors of fall.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I love you more......
One fun "perk" of going out into the dining room in the store is that I have an opportunity to hear the uplifting praise music being played. It seems so little yet makes such a difference in my heart and attitude throughout the day. It's a gift to help keep my focus on the greater purpose of God's glory while ministering to my coworkers and our guests. A song I find myself singing dwelling on is "More" by Matthew West.
Take a look at the mountain
Stretching a mile high
Take a look at the ocean
Far as your eye can see
And think of me
Take a look at the desert
Do you feel like a grain of sand?
I am with you wherever
Where you go is where I am
And I'm always thinking of you
Take a look around you
I'm spelling it out one by one
I love you more than the sun
And the stars that I taught how to shine
You are mine and you shine for me too
I love you
And today
And tomorrow
I'll say it again and again
I love you more
Just a face in the city
Just a tear on a crowded street
But you are one in a million
And you belong to me
And I want you to know
I'm not letting go
Even when you come undone
Shine for me
Shine for me
Shine on, shine on
Shine for me
I love you more than the sun
And the stars that I taught how to shine
You are mine and you shine for me too
I love you
And today
Through the joy
And the pain
I say it again and again
I love you more
I love you more
And I see you
And I made you
And I love you more than you can imagine
More than you can fathom
I love you more than the sun
And you shine for me
Genesis 1-3 tells of God's creation and of the fall of man. In the beginning, the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) were all present and in perfect fellowship. God didn't need to create anything for completeness or fulfillment. He chose to create and love man in an entirely selfless act. God chose to fellowship with man. Full understanding of His reasoning for this I'm sure will only be grasped by meeting the Father Himself. Until then, it astounds and comforts me that God didn't need to create anything but chose to do so and then to create man as the steward of His perfect creation. Most of all though, it's astounding that even with perfect beauty, God loves sinful, disobedient, disappointing man most of all. He taught the stars to shine, put the mountains in their place but He reaches down to personally minister to my heart as a loving Father.
Oh how great a Master, Father, Provider, Sustainer, Friend is my Savior!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
ECBC YSA Halloween Party!
For Halloween, YSA had a potluck and bonfire! The Caldwells were so kind in hosting this gathering for us. They live on beautiful property overlooking the water. The party was mainly outside under the palm trees and stars (which are so much brighter away from city lights!) There were chili and dessert cookoffs as well as a costume contest. I really enjoy the fellowship of these new friends and look forward to getting to know many of them better!
Here are some pictures from the evening.
My wonderful small group :) (most of us...) The guys we asked to take pictures for us decided to have a little fun.... They had multiple cameras and just kept flashing without telling us where to look. Hence, the laughter and everyone looking in different directions.
Fall Travels- Clemson Pictures!
The drive up for my last visit was beautiful! There is such a visible difference between the lowcountry and the upstate. It gives the impression that the leaves are changing as you travel!
After church, I spent some time on and off campus taking some fall pictures. I still love this form of worship: immersed in God's creation, in awe of the beauty of His fingerprints. Here are some my favorites!

Fall Travels Pt 3- Clemson
The drives home are bittersweet but full of thankfulness to the Lord for His goodness and blessings. I'm so thankful for wonderful college friends that are turning into lifelong friends! It's a great joy to be close enough for these reconnecting trips!
While in Clemson, I had the opportunity to visit Crosspoint Church's new building!
They officially moved in September. I was so excited to get to see it and visit with sweet friends there! God's been blessing this church body so greatly in the last few years. The facility provides for the many needs of the church so well! The sanctuary and meeting spaces fit the church body well and there is plenty of room to expand when its needed as they own the rest of the property. Currently, there are other tenants in the strip who will rent from the church until their leases run out and they can use the space for expansion!
I am always so blessed by the solid theology and powerful worship at Crosspoint. The message that morning was the first in a series on Jonah (definitely worth listening to here!) and the Mission of God. The first message was "Pursued by God: a look at God's Goodness and Probing our Hearts". As I've been seeking the Lord on future plans, hearing of how God called and used Jonah was very thought-provoking. God had a specific call on Jonah's life. (Jonah 1:1-3). He has also promised that He has a plan and purpose for my life (Is 43:1-10, Jer 29:11). Some points that stuck out to me were that God IS speaking. Anything I "receive" that doesn't match God's word is NOT from Him! It's so important to seek the Lord's face and discern through the filter of His word. He has given His children a message to proclaim with a sense of immediacy: God is Holy. All wickedness and evil are against Him and will not stand! (2:12-13). Even though something may seem easy or "fall into place" it may not be according to God's plan. Everything "fell into place" as Jonah fled but God brought him back to Himself to fulfill His good purposes.
2 Tim 4:3-5 Discharge all the duties of the ministry God has given you. This involves speaking the Truth of God especially when it is unpopular. As a child of God, I've been given a responsibility to obediently carry His message. Anything other than full surrender to the will of God is a wasted life. I pray I'd be found obedient to God's word and His will.
The praise band did a song I hadn't heard: Glory to God by Steve Fee. The lyrics have stuck with me so I wanted to share them:
Before the world was made, before you spoke it to be
You were the King of Kings, yeah you were, yeah you were
And now you’re reigning still, Enthroned above all things
Angels and saints cry out, We join them as we sing
Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory to God, Forever (2x’s)
Verse 2:
Creator God you gave me breath so I could praise
Your great and matchless name, all my days, all my days
So let my whole life be a blazing offering
A life that shouts and sings the greatness of the King
Take my life and let it be
All for you and for your glory
Take my life and let it be yours (x2) We sing… (back to chorus)
Fall Travels Pt 2- Columbia and Greenville
Even though our plans got rained out, we still had a great time catching up!
The next stop on my way to the upstate was in Greenville with Stephanie, one of my SummerLink roommates. Steph to me represents one of those friendships you have no question was ordained by God. In various ways, I know all of the friendships God's blessed me with have been. Stephanie and I just share so many similar struggles, questions and wonder of our futures. Even though we really only spent a couple of months together, we pick right up where we left off anytime we're together. I am continually amazed at the speed and strength of her spiritual growth. I know God has great plans for her! I'm greatly looking forward to the continuing growth of our friendship and witnessing the development of these plans. Her friendship is a sweet gift in my life.
Stephanie and I met in Downtown Greenville for dinner and some time walking around main street and the park. One of the things I love most about some of my closest friends is that we can pick up right where we left off if we're separated for any length of time and that we all enjoy just being together. It can be something as simple as going for a long walk to chat. And what better place that beautiful Greenville to soak up some refreshing fall air and conversation over some hot chocolate!
Here are a couple of pictures I took of Falls Park on our walk:
Downtown Greenville is such a unique and fun atmosphere! The park is beautiful and calming, there are several wonderful places to eat and the shops are a lot of fun! One of my favorite shops is Go Fish.

Many of their items are handmade "by indigenous artisans in developing third world countries" such as Uganda, Liberia, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Peru and Mexico. There are so many unique things from jewelry to figurines, clothes, cards and journals with handmade paper. I love the candles! I was actually able to take my mom to visit one of their stores in Norfolk while I was there. I was excited to share this with her. I think, though, my favorite store is still Greenville! Its absolutely worth the trip if you're anywhere nearby!
Fall Travels Pt 1-Virginia
First, I visited my parents in their new house in Virginia! I'm so happy for them as they really seem to be settled where they've desired to be for years! They're minutes from my grandparents and love the area. I stayed about a week and a half so I was grateful to be soaking up so much family time! My aunt and cousin visited while I was there. We all enjoyed accompanying my grandparents to the annual Coast Guard Fish Fry. My grandfather retired as a Captain in the CG. Our family has been attending picnics since I was young.
Even the ten or so days I was there flew by as they were filled with visiting "old haunts" from the first time we lived there, unpacking and beginning to add all the touches that make it home. I didn't get pictures of the house this trip but I'll be returning for Thanksgiving; one of the first holidays "all together" we'll have had in years! My parents' and grandparents' houses combined will offer more space to bring everyone together mostly from across the state. And of course, me, the "ex-patriot".
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I came across these gems of encouragement while reading through some of the blogs I subscribe to today. The first is from the GirlTalk Blog on Carolyn McCulley's broadcasts on focus on the family and some of her reflections on her blog.
"As Dr. Grudem said on Sunday morning at my church, he doesn't know anyone over 50 who has not had a significant trial or affliction. If you live long enough, you will encounter difficulty because it's what happens in a fallen world. But this is not the end of the story. Not only will we experience God's redemptive activity in this life, we have the promise of sin-free, pain-free life everlasting with Him in eternity. So if I am called by God to glorify Him as a single woman, even though I desire marriage, I know He is not wasting that desire or my small sacrifice in the years I have lived in that tension. He is weaving that into His plan to rescue, redeem, and reclaim His children".
Another encouraging post was written by one of the members of Mars Hill church who recently lost her husband in Afghanistan. She also commented on adversity.
"During the minutes where I can’t seem to grasp what has happened or where to go from here, I am constantly hearing the phrases, “You are crushed, but not destroyed”….”You are NOT defeated”. It’s at these moments that I really think about living as if I’m defeated versus living as if I’m NOT defeated....
I think about whom I would be defeated by if I gave up or let myself turn to worldly temptations or negative ways to handle the hurt of a killed spouse. Satan…the devil himself is waiting on the other side of those decisions. He wants to destroy me. He wants to defeat me. He wants to win this battle. This battle isn’t between just him and I though; it’s between good and evil. He is attacking all of us. Sometimes he uses special ops techniques and sometimes he decides to use a bomb…like killing an amazing father and husband that fears the Lord…who would spit in Satan’s face if he had the chance!....
I find comfort in all of this when I too call on God. Many times reading the book God has prepared for us, the Bible, is where I find solid advice and encouragement. My creator has provided me with so many stories to turn to and letters to live by, and proverbs to unfold. Here are a few that have come up recently that pertain to not being defeated:
“for the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity.” –Proverbs 24:16
“Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be light to me.” –Micah 7:8
I also find comfort in 2 Corinthians 4, where the reference of being ‘struck down, but not destroyed’ comes from. This is also the part of the Bible where Paul says:
“Therefore do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light and momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. “ -2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Paul, on behalf of God, is begging for the Corinthians (and us) to not lose heart.... We shall overcome Satan, as Jesus did, by turning to what is eternal. All that I know to be eternal is Jesus, who lived after he died..."
I hope these thoughts are an encouragement to you as well! Keep persevering!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Young Adult + Single =F.A.T. ???
My only disappointment will be missing teaching on Paul's writings in another class. I would, no question, list Paul among my favorite Biblical writers if not my favorite! I respect his no sugar-coating yet encouraging style of addressing the new church. I also greatly enjoy studying his letters as a record of the early corporate Church.
Given my major and minor in the social sciences, I also love to learn about how groups and individuals interact. Paul's letters are such a window into the hearts and minds of some of the first members of the collective church body!
So why the blog title: "Young Adult + Single =F.A.T. ???" For those who haven't heard the acronym, F.A.T. stands for Faithful Available Teachable. Perhaps one of the things that intrigues me most is the likelihood that many of the early church members were around my age! Paul chose to pour into the younger generation to build and provide lasting leadership to the young congregations. I wonder what life must have been like for them as they realized that what they were choosing to be a part of would change their world as they knew it...
The heavens declare the GLORY of God; the skies proclaim the work of HIS hands
You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.
Nehemiah 9:6 (NIV)
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
Psalms 8:3-4
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalms 19:1 (NIV)
I love nature! It's God's fingerprints; His daily reminders that He stays in complete control of His creation. It's a great comfort to know the Creator of the Universe, MY GOD is ever present in my DAILY life!!!
Earlier this week, God provided a sweet blessing on the way home from work: a rainbow over the bridge! It was still lightly raining and the sky was still a slate blue so the colors of the rainbow were a bright and beautiful contrast. I've heard friends speaking of getting to see it from various parts of town. As I was driving, I didn't get a picture of it but thankfully, one has appeared from a local news station!
THIS is another amazing example of God's handiwork! It's an older picture of the "X Structure" at the CORE of the Whirlpool Galaxy sent back from the Hubble Telescope. It really puts things into perspective ...
I've had the blessing to take in parts of God's creation that have taken my breath away. God has truly left evidences of Himself all over His creation! I'm definitely an avid fan of nature! I know I have a tendency to post a lot of song lyrics but this one speaks of the beauty of nature and it's purpose of shouting God's glory. It's one of my favorite songs from Clemson FCA's :)
Filled With Your Glory- Starfield
In my heart, in my heart, there's a fire burning
A passion deep within my soul
Not slowing down, not growing cold
An unquenchable flame that keeps burning brighter
A love that's blazing like the sun
For who You are and what You've done
And as the fire is raging on
So Your praise becomes my song
The whole earth Is filled with Your glory, Lord
Angels and men adore
Creation longs for what's in store
(Mountains bow and oceans roar)
May You be
Honored and glorified
Exalted and lifted high
Here at Your feet I lay my life
From the ends of the earth
To the heights of Heaven
Your glory, Lord, is far and wide
Through history
You reign on high
From the depths of the sea
To the mountain's summit
Your power, Lord, it knows no bounds
A higher love cannot be found
So let the universe proclaim
Your great power and Your great name
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Start of Class!
All this to say ....I'm so excited to be going back to class! Well....sort of.... This Sunday, the church I am attending will begin fall Sunday School classes. I'm very much looking forward to what I'm sure will be a wonderful semester of corporate study and growing in the Lord. Now....if I could only decide what class to take! A few I am considering are: Interpreting the Bible (Hermeneutics), World Religions, and a Peer Group Study (young, single adults) on the writings of Paul. I think I have an idea what I'm leaning towards but the number of great options require that the actual choice be made with some careful consideration. Yes...I do embrace my inner nerd :) In the words of Mark Driscoll, I "geek out on Theology"....and I'm ok with that :) )Wish me luck choosing but even more, please pray that I truly would have a teachable heart. The Lord is providing such sweet gifts in the opportunities to "go deep" with a committed body of believers. I can't wait to get started and find out how He'll use this time.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The long-discussed (but delayed...) move has finally occurred! For those who have heard me talk about it for a good couple of years now: yes! really!! haha
My parents moved back to our home state a week ago and I've officially moved in with a couple of great girls and a third furry roommate; a very sweet dog, Mia, who waits to greet me outside my room each morning. It's definitely been an adjustment. New roommates, new church, new city. Even though I still work in the same office and really just moved about 40 min away, it's not an area I frequented other than small group meetings so I have had to change all of my routines. It's actually been surprisingly fun to learn my way around.
One of the greatest blessings was taking a day trip the weekend my family moved away. I still strongly believe it was exactly what I needed emotionally and spiritually that day. I was able to visit with two wonderful sisters and dear friends from college, Maddie and Meredith. Both are in grad school and by God's providence! had some downtime that weekend. On both visits, we mainly sat and talked for hours. I SO love and look forward to sweet times of fellowship (and just being girlie! It quite often involves food and laughter! :) ) God has used these young women SO often to speak truth into my life and to be sources of encouragement!
A fun example of one of these "girlie fellowship moments" occurred on my visit to Meredith's: she brought me back a traditional Indian outfit from her trip earlier in the summer. She put on one of hers so I could try on mine and we enjoyed a cup of chai tea :)
As we were enjoying the fellowship so much, I don't have other pictures from the trip but I anticipate more trips this semester so I'll try to have a few more to put up :)
Overall, the adjustment to this new season of my life has been easier than I expected. I attribute this entirely to God's grace. He has been so faithful to provide in a multitude of ways including a sustaining peace He began washing over me weeks ago about remaining here while my family moved away. Looking back even a year or two ago, I can see how much God's grown me as I know I would not have been as at peace. His timing and providence are so good. Although, I have seen confirmations, I don't think I can yet fully explain what His purpose is for me here. I'm looking forward to Him revealing more of this to me. One of my sisters shared a sweet truth with me last weekend: God's plan is playing out in my life now. It does also exist in the future but it is not solely there to be awaited. He has a purpose for me in this season, in this place, at this time.... To God be the glory in how I steward the gifts and responsibilities He has entrusted!
Truth- Lecrae
Bring it drums (Yah)
This song right here
Is for everybody out there looking for truth
Who says, you know
We all in the same boat
Yeah, Christians and Muslims, everybody like that, huh
Yow, you lookin' for truth
Oh, I've got some answers man
So good to be
Ah, let's get into it
Let's go
Night and Day I ain’t scared to say that we different
They play the prostitute but they like to say they just intimate
And Idols in their heart, they can’t seem to lose their grip on it
See them walkin’ in the direction that canned and crippled them
Our World is different like Whitley and Wayne man
They say we look the same but we ain’t chasin’ the same thing
It all boils down to they think everythings relative
Jesus might as well be a South American president
Very evident, they say that Jesus was heaven sent
They lifestyle reflects they worship themselves instead of Him
They don’t acknowledge the Christ if they did they wouldn’t worship themselves by the way that they live
All these rappers say they got guns that spray off 16
I’ve got a Luke 9 that can take all 16
That’s the Bible the one they poke
But they don’t care about the author they think he’s a joke.
"Man, It's just some folks say, "All truth is relative, it just depends on what you believe." You know, "hey man, ain't no way to know for sure who God is or what's really true." But that means you believe your own statement; that there's no way to know what's really true. You're saying that that statement is true. You're killing yourself. If what's true for you is true for you and what's true for me is true for me, what if my truth says your's is a lie? Is it still true? Come on man!"
I promise everybody is asking the same questions
“Who am I? What is my purpose and my direction?”
Y’probably believe that you exist for no other reason
Than Self-satisfaction, hedonism and pleasing things
Life’s about you getting’ yours and bein’ happy
Even if it means a divorce and switchin’ families?
Your job, your house, your car, your spouse
It’s all for the glory of you, Elsh-u-ou
You go to school get y’ degrees and get a job
So you can make a whole lotta’ g’s cause’ lifes hard
You never thought of livin to please a real God
And that’s the reason he made you
See, he gave you breath to breathe the chest to breathe it.
So you can taste and see He’s the best, believe it
He made us for His glory and not for your own homey
Our God is Holy. You should repent and die slowly
"See, there's this thing called "Secular Humanism", it says man is the source of all meaning and all purposing. You know what i'm saying? We're just the result of a big cosmic explosion. We don't really have a purpose or meaning, so we just come up with our own purpose. We're the source of our meaning and our purpose. How can a man, which is the product of chance, a finite being be the source of purpose and meaning? You can't! You're created with purpose man! Get with The Creator yo!"
Man, everybody got a problem with God
And when you mention the Christ
Then they really get to turning the nod
But some say they roll with Christ
But some rappers made it seem like He was cool
With all the sin in their life
But then some say “How can God exist when
All this evil stuff in the world keep persistin’?
Wrong question. Ask again.
“How come God aint’ let you feel the wrath from sin?”
What you thought last night deserved a first class flight
To Hell where God doesn’t dwell. You got that right
But He bought back life, on a cross that night
Christ died, you ain’t know that he cost that price?
All of God’s anger put on His son
Then together, through all of eternity. Now He was shunned.
Praise God for the life that was won for us
Ain’t got a beef with God because the son was crushed
You look man, "Some people say that God ain't real 'cause they don't see how a good God can exist with all this evil in the world. If God is real then He should stop all this evil, 'cause He's all-powerful right? What is evil though man? It's anything that's against God. It's anything morally bad or wrong. It's murder, rape, stealing, lying, cheating. But if we want God to stop evil, do we want Him to stop it all or just a little bit of it? If He stops us from doing evil things, what about lying, or what about our evil thoughts? I mean, where do you stop, the murder level, the lying level, or the thinking level? If we want Him to stop evil, we gotta be consistent, we can't just pick and choose. That means you and I would be eliminated right? Because we think evil stuff. If that's true, we should be eliminated! But thanks be to God that Jesus stepped in to save us from our sin! Christ died for all evilness! Repent, turn to Jesus man!"
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Disciples of all ages
This is an excerpt from a recent girltalk blog post on parenting/preaching the gospel to the littlest of disciples:
Monsters Under the Bed by Janelle Bradshaw
So how do we help our small children deal with middle-of-the night fears?
Dr. Russell Moore—himself a father of small children—recently offered this insightful answer:
“The kids know—they instinctively know—that they're living in a universe in which something's gone awry. It's not our job—as parents, or as Sunday school teachers—to disengage that. It's our job to come in and to provide an answer to that. Yeah, you're living in an enchanted world. Yeah, you're living in a haunted world. You're living in a world haunted by demonic powers. That's exactly right—what you deeply fear is indeed the case... Your worrying about the monster under the bed isn't unreasonable; there's a monster under the fabric of the cosmos. Instead, we give them a story that provides the only comfort that really is lasting comfort; it's a comfort that the enemies have been defeated."
I am going to add a few words to my middle of the night hugs and kisses routine. Yes, Caly-girl, we live in a scary world, but we don’t need to be afraid. The monster has been crushed. And the One who crushed him, He’s right here in this room.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Duttweiler!!
Their wedding was a sweet celebration of God ordaining two to become one. The bridal party entered the chapel to a song I'd never heard but very much enjoyed. Heres the lyrics:
Nichole Nordeman \ Every Season
Every evening sky, an invitation
To trace the patterned stars
And early in July, a celebration
For freedom that is ours
And I notice You
In children’s games
In those who watch them from the shade
Every drop of sun is full of fun and wonder
You are summer
And even when the trees have just surrendered
To the harvest time
Forfeiting their leaves in late September
And sending us inside
Still I notice You when change begins
And I am braced for colder winds
I will offer thanks for what has been and was to come
You are autumn
And everything in time and under heaven
Finally falls asleep
Wrapped in blankets white, all creation
Shivers underneath
And still I notice you
When branches crack
And in my breath on frosted glass
Even now in death, You open doors for life to enter
You are winter
And everything that’s new has bravely surfaced
Teaching us to breathe
What was frozen through is newly purposed
Turning all things green
So it is with You
And how You make me new
With every season’s change
And so it will be
As You are re-creating me
Summer, autumn, winter, spring
Of course the event was packed with Tiger touches (and lots of Tiger friends!)
Here are a few pictures from the evening.
Groom's Cake: designed to look like the men's Clemson ring
Toasting glasses etched with Tiger Paws
The beautiful wedding cake!
Group pics with the TigerRag (and of course Cadence Count is a necessity for any Clemson gathering ;) )
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
My Cousin's Wedding!!!
Last weekend, I had the joy and privilege to serve my "big sister" as her Maid of Honor. She married a wonderful man and I'm so happy for them both! The families truly enjoyed meeting one another and the joining of the two families. I'm very much looking forward to what the Lord has planned for this sweet couple!
Here are a few pictures of the wedding festivities
Monday, July 20, 2009
Bring the Rain
So I pray
~Mercy Me
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Creativity Day

The background is a lavender color and the wording is light blue. The darker spots should dry and even out. Its just water from some corrections and paint touch-ups. I plan to use the plate as a candle tray hopefully to enjoy during quiet times. It will be a reminder to my worry/ control-prone self to look to the Lord. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product!
Monday, July 6, 2009
A Sister's Wisdom
There is a team leaving for Peru at the end of this month. One of the girls recently posted an update on her blog which is so full of great wisdom! I wanted to share it:
Hello, I just wanted to shoot out a quick update as the trip is right around the corner. I’m so thankful to many of you who have been reminding me that you are praying for me and the Yagua people! I’m so excited to see and report how God uses those prayers!
Preparation has consisted of mostly checking little things off of a packing list. Since we’ll be spending at least a week continually traveling in the jungle, we have to plan to carry a week’s worth of food, a tent, pills to purify water, etc…Haha getting vaccinated for a few various diseases has also been intriguing The most exciting was ingesting pills for typhoid fever with the live bacteria inside. Many very random precautions had to be taken (such as refrigeration, empty stomach, and the temperature of the water with which they are swallowed) to insure the capsule remained intact and the bacteria was not released until reaching my small intestine where antibodies can be made effectively. Interesting huh?!
Not surprising, I can see how the Lord has been much more interested in spiritually preparation thus far this summer. Working at a restaurant as a server several nights a week has had an incredible impact on my heart. Never before have I had so many good friends of all races, ages, sexual orientations and lifestyles! These people are absolutely amazing, far more intelligent and talented than I. Many have a great sense of humor and I am continually blown away by their authentic care for me and for each other. Where does their joy come from? Yet I’m confronted with horrific sin and my heart is broken every night as I am surrounded by stories of drugs fixations, broken families, sexual promiscuity, alcohol addictions, etc….Instead of being appalled and completely disgusted, as is my normal response far too often, I am heart-broken. I see their longings, twisted and perverted by the devil, I see their hearts and they remind me so much of my own! The knowledge that I would be exactly as they, hungry, hurting and desperately grasping for fulfillment in the wrong places, apart from solely the grace of God, is such a sobering thought! Never have I felt such intense desire for people to stop giving themselves away to things that leave them hurt and empty when there is all- satisfying joy to be found! Never before have thoughts of hell brought tears to my eyes because I no longer have the ability to imagine hell as a mass populous of unbelievers but these eternally suffers now have all too vivid faces with clear voices and heart-wrenching stories.
How many days are spent so focused on my own ambitions and comfort that I am completely blind to the reality that there are lives at stake? How desperately this truth must sink into my heart that I may be ready always to jump on opportunities to give time and money and anything God’s entrusted me with to make His name known and understood. How desperately the Holy Spirit is needed to even know how to being to communicate the out of this world and unbelievable truths of the gospel.
It is my prayer that God would cultivate in all of us a heart for our neighbors, a sensitivity to their needs which will takes priority over being absorbed in our own. What a desire Christ has to use us as vessels of hope to those we brush shoulders with every day and how exciting is this most high calling that we can be used mightily to further His Kingdom!
“All day long we are, in some degree, helping each other to one or other of these destinations. It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities, it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics. There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilization—these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit—immortal horrors or everlasting splendors.” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The Quest For Joy
Quest for Joy 15 statements in the search (from John Piper)
1. Realize that authentic joy in God is a gift
2. Realize that joy must be fought for relentlessly
3. Resolve to attack all known sin in your life.
4. Learn the secret of gutsy guilt- how to fight like a justified sinner.
5. Realize that the battle is primarily a fight to see God for who he is.
6. Meditate on the Word of God day and night.
7. Pray earnestly and continually for open heart-eyes and an inclination for God.
8. Learn to preach to yourself rather than listen to yourself
9. Spend time with God-saturated people who help you see God and fight the fight.
10. Be patient in the night of God's seeming absence.
11. Get the rest and exercise, proper diet that your body was designed by God to have.
12. Make a proper use of God's revelation in nature.
13. Read great books about God and biographies of great saints.
14. do the hard and loving thing for the sake of others (witness and mercy).
15. Get a global vision for the cause of Christ and pour yourself out for the unreached.
This definitely spoke to my heart regarding some current struggles. I hope it is thought-provoking and encouraging for you as well.
I very much enjoyed my time of worship with a new body of believers. Not only was there a great message but I had the added treat to briefly visit with the Gainor's We met last summer as I interned under Gray for CPB (and unofficially under Brandy as she answered my MANY questions about being a wife and mother in their field --Thank you again, Brandy, for so graciously answering each question with such wonderful, Christ-centered wisdom and allowing me to learn from your incite!) Please be lifting them up as they prepare to be workers for the Father in India in the coming months!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
SummerLink Visit
I enjoyed hearing from the staff and students of how they've served and grown since arriving in the lowcountry about a month ago. I was there during their family weekend so they were very excited to share their experiences so far with family and friends. This was so encouragingly evident as they introduced themselves to me. The team has been serving migrant camps, holding free car washes and ice cream socials, as well as building relationships in their workplaces and helping with the weekly operations of the church plant, Crosspoint Bluffton.
I wondered (and was asked) what it would be like to return to such a different group from last year. I discovered that although I do love my group and miss being together with them as we were last summer, things felt as though they were exactly as they should be. It is truly exciting to see SummerLink continue knowing especially with a young class, the future of Crosspoints college program (and its leadership) are being trained and envigorated to serve the campus, community and wherever God leads them in the future with excitement and awe of His plan. It's such a great blessing and privilege to have been a part of this program and to return to see its future.
GirlTalk Sept 5, 2007 The Question God Always Answers
In difficulty, my first question is often “Why?” I can be tempted to demand an answer from God. Sometimes He makes his purposes clear: in many cases, our trials are indeed “preparation for the task." But God is not obligated, nor does He always tell us why.
But there is another question He will always answer, as JI Packer asserts in his new book: Praying the Lord’s Prayer:
“If you ask, ‘Why is this or that happening?’ no light may come, for ‘the secret things belong to the Lord our God’ (Deuteronomy 29:29); but if you ask, ‘How am I to serve and glorify God here and now, where I am?’ there will always be an answer.”
Our Father in heaven will show us how to glorify Him, if we simply ask, ready to obey. So which question are you asking today?
“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Caught Up in the Middle ....
...I've been embraced
By the wonderful arms of glory
There is nowhere else I'd rather be
I believe Your spirit is alive and on the move
Oh I want to be caught up in the middle of You
I wanna be a part of what I know you're gonna do
Oh I wanna be caught up in the middle of You...
I have so much to be thankful to God for right now!! I HAVE A JOB!!! There have been many confirmations that this is the "mission field" He's called me to right now. It's not something I expected but I know the Lord provided it. It's definitely a daily test of dying to self and full reliance on Him. I'm learning more about the absolute necessity of putting on the full armor before entering spiritual warfare (and for daily communion with Him!). As I've been in Proverbs in my reading plan, I've been reading about wisdom and seeing how the necessity of growing in wisdom and understanding plays out as I seek to serve and minister to coworkers. He has also been growing my prayer life as I've found myself more "needy" (as a sweet sister once explained it) of Him to guard my heart, words, actions and attitudes in front of those to whom I want to show Christ through my life.
Just recently, God reminded me of Romans 8:26. I was literally telling God I was so exhausted with a situation that I couldn't even find words. I don't think I've ever recognized His gentle, comforting voice so clearly! Just by saying I can't find the words but my heart's heavy, the Spirit took over and brought so much peace and comfort! God truly is amazingly faithful and good in how He provides for His children in EVERY way! He knows and takes care of every detail. What a gracious, loving Creator!
It's all SO much to take in but it's been so encouraging and peace-inducing to see God continually at work in my life! I know I still have unfulfilled passions and desires in serving the Lord. This, though, has just become a comforting promise that there's more to come! God's purposes and plans for me are far greater than I could ever dream. Eph 3:20, Jer 29:11
There are some sweet gifts from the Lord in my job. One is that I usually get 10-15 min in the morning to take a walk for some prayer and calm time before the start of the day. It's been such a blessing in preparing my mind and heart to "be on mission".
The views remind me of Summerlink :)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Fresh Perspective on the Proverbs 31 Woman
A Woman of Character
A very familiar passage, Prov 31:10-31, gives a portrait of a woman of character and wisdom. When you read about this superwoman, what comes to your mind? A long litany of her achievements? I thought so. She was a paramount "doer". Yet, if you look carefully at the text, you will discover that all she accomplished flowed from her inner character. this woman took her knowledge of God and applied it in a skillful and successful way so that her life became a picture of beauty. It's interesting that we don't know her name or what she looked like. We don't know anything about her personality.
We do know, however, that her husband and grown children praised her. "There are many women of character but you surpass them all! Charm is deceiving, hiding an ugly personality, and beauty is only skin deep. But a woman who fears and reverences God is truly charming and lovely. Give her praise!" (verses 29-30 AMP). Did you note what they praised her for? Not because she was up at dawn, working into the night, or because she sewed her clothes, organized the home, and took food to the poor. They praised her for her spiritual character. What a tribute! Of all the women they know, she was the best.
This exceptional woman believed that God was the Blessed Controller of her life. But she also knew that God expected her to make godly choices to rule over herself. This involved making herself attractive by the "fine linen and purple" she wore (verse 22). A more difficult choice was to rule over her tongue: "She opens her mouth with skillful and godly Wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness" (verse 26, AMP). The Proverbs 31 woman was not controlled by her circumstances and the demands of her family, her household, or her home business. She was ruler of her attitudes, her time, and her schedule. Her relationship with God was central. All that she became was a result of her yielding to His sovereign control. She allowed Him to place His brushstrokes on the canvas of her life. But she also chose to rule her appearance, her mouth, and her activities.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wisdom From Older Sisters for Young Single Women
August 21, 2008
The Single Woman as Homemaker
Stephanie, a young single woman, wrote in with a question: ....
... do you have any encouragement for the single woman who desires to be a wife and mom, but...is not? ....
First of all remember that God has not forgotten you (Is. 44:21). He has ordained every single day of your singleness before one of them came to be (Ps. 139:16). You are not on hold or waiting in the wings of femininity. God has created you a woman and He has good works for you to walk in today (Eph 2:10) by expressing your femininity.
“Trust in the Lord, and do good” the Psalmist exhorts us. "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:3-4). Of course we know this is not a promise that He will bring you a husband. But we do know for sure that “no good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Ps. 84:11). If a husband is good for you, He will bring you a husband, in His good time. You don’t have a husband today because that is not good for you today. What you have today is better. It’s true even if it doesn’t feel like it. And it’s exciting!
But God wants you to delight in Him and in His good and perfect ways—which include a love for home and family. So don’t abandon your love for the home simply because you don’t have your own home yet. Your desires to be a helper, to nurture children, to care for a home are God-given and should be cultivated, not squashed. And you should continue to improve your skills in these areas, not put them on hold.
Listen to one single woman’s perspective:
“To be single is not to forego the traditional ‘womanly’ pursuits. Whether you live alone or with a husband and children, a house or apartment is still a home that requires “homemaking.” And marital status has nothing to do with the desire for warm, comfortable, aesthetically pleasing surroundings. God gave each of us a desire for beauty; it is part of our desire for him, who is loveliness incarnate. Why should a single woman reject that part of her image as a creature of God? . . . I am a better and more imaginative cook now than I was five years ago. I am free to experiment on myself and my friends. I have the time and the money to entertain people around the dinner table, something I might not want or be able to do if I cooked for a family three times a day every day” (Cheryl Forbes qtd. in Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by John Piper and Wayne Grudem, xxvii).
...I pray you are encouraged to trust in God and inspired to make it your aim to be an even “better and more imaginative” homemaker next year than you are now.
The discussion was continued with the next day's post:
The Way Home
... As a single woman there are many questions you must wrestle with—How do I reconcile my desire to work in the home with the need to work a job to support myself? How do I prepare for my future when I don’t know what that future will be? What does it look like to love the home and display femininity in my life? What if I can’t afford a home of my own? and many more.
While I can’t answer all these questions, I want to encourage you that God is eager to give you clarity. As JI Packer reminds us: “If you ask, ‘Why is this or that happening?’ no light may come, for ‘the secret things belong to the Lord our God (Deuteronomy 29:29); but if you ask, ‘How am I to serve and glorify God here and now, where I am?’ there will always be an answer” (The Lord’s Prayer, p. 14).
Take time, in prayer, to ask God how you can glorify Him as a woman, and in the home, here and now. And make use of the wisdom he has provided through others such as a pastor or a godly Christian friend....
I've heard over the last few months about taking full advantage of the single season to glorify God. I pray thats my daily focus! It's been a blessing to have some great heart to hearts with sweet sisters in the same season of life. Its uplifting to know how similar our questions and struggles are. I hope this is as encouraging to my sisters as it has been to me :)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
For His Name Sake
He explained that rather than ask about boundaries and restrictions in dating (or any other aspect of life) we should be asking what brings God the most glory (and how to flee from what doesn't!)
His notes include a great overview of Biblical references to the glory of God (what God Himself says about His glory!)
I thought they were definitely worth passing on as I've mentioned God teaching me more about His glory recently. Here's the main section on the "Theology of God's Glory"
Theology of God’s glory (help from Piper’s Desiring God)
-In order to best know why this question (how far...) compromises God’s glory, it would be wise for us to set the backdrop of the glory of God in all things.
-As John Piper notes, throughout Scripture the glory of God generally refers to the visible splendor or moral beauty of God’s perfections. It is an attempt to put into words what cannot be contained in words-his unveiled magnificence and excellence. A synonym for God’s glory is for His name sake.
-Let’s journey through the Scriptures together:
-Genesis 1.26-27—God’s aim in creating man is that he (man) would mirror forth God. Man is created to reflect the glory of his Maker whose image he bears. Thus, God’s purpose was to fill the whole earth with His glory. (Numbers 14.21- All the earth shall be full of the glory of the Lord and Isaiah 43.7- referring to His people as those whom I created for my glory)
-Genesis 12.1-2—God’s dealing with Abram shows us that God promises to make Abram’s name great…is this in contradiction to God receiving glory? Not at all, as Romans tells us: No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith, giving glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what He had promised (4.20-21). God blesses and by his obedience, Abram brings God glory.
-Exodus 14.4, 18—The deliverance of Israel was not because they were a great people, rather because of the great name of God! Other recordings are found in Ezekiel 20.9-But I acted for the sake of my name, that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations among whom they lived, in whose sight I made Myself known to them by bringing them out of the land of Egypt. Psalm 106.7-8-Our fathers in Egypt did not understand Your wonders; They did not remember Your abundant kindness, But rebelled by the sea, at the Red Sea.
Nevertheless He saved them for the sake of His name, That He might make His power known. God’s purpose is to act in such a way as to cause people to own up to His glory and confess that He is the only Lord of the universe…aka for His glory.
-Exodus 20.3-5—God has given His commandments to Moses, and out of the gate it is clear why He has given it to them. We have these so that we give God the glory and honor that is due Him.
-Ezekiel 20.21-22—God does not strike dead His people in the wilderness, although they deserved it. Rather, he is long-suffering for His own name’s sake.
-1 Samuel 12.19-23—After a period of judges, God raises up a king and again we see the mercy of God. He preserves His people for the honor of His name.
-For the sake of time, a few other places are 1 Kings 8.41-45 (Solomon dedicating the temple), deliverance in the time of the kings (2 Kings 19.34), exile and promised restoration (Isaiah 48.9-11), and post-exile prophets (Zech. 2.5, Hag. 1.8, Mal. 2.2)
-John 17.4, 7.18—both attest to the focus Jesus had in glorifying His Father in heaven.
-John 12.27-28—Jesus rejected any notion of saving Himself from death because His mission was to bring glory to the Father. The purpose of Jesus’ death was to glorify the Father...it accomplished much for us, but the purpose was bringing glory to the Father.
-1 Cor. 10.31/ 1 Peter 4.11/Matthew 5.16—The purpose of our lives is to glorify God.
-Revelation 21.23—John records this to show us that the consummation of God’s goal in all of history is to display His glory for all to see and praise. (John 17.24)
The conclusion of history is that God does all things at all times for His glory.
To Make Him Famous....
Someone posted the Passion 08 Regionals conference opening video on YouTube. Its a great reminder of what spreading the gospel, making Jesus famous in our generation, looks like: proclaiming His name no matter the cost recognizing that neglecting this responsibility has life and death consequences. (the message intro begins around 4min 30 sec)
Here's the transcript:
Hello Atlanta
We're so glad you're here
We've invited you to our amazing city to LIFT UP the beautiful One
His fame is what Passion is all about Are you with us?
He's the Son of God COME DOWN
Beauty in a sinner's crown
The innocent life laid down
The one where grace from death abounds
And...Just in case you missed it
Our mission: A generation awakened to make Jesus famous
A generation marked by worship and justice
A generation working together to change the world in Jesus' name....
In every place we pose this question...
Could there be a day when His fame echoes loudest
and our campuses hear his name?
We believe it's possible. We believe it's coming. We believe it's time.
We believe He's here.
Everything bright and good, lasting and true, everything new
He is
Price payer, shame bearer, grave ender, breach repairer, crown wearer
rearranger, hope's anchor, world changer, church builder, always sustainer,
freeing,loving, never-ending