Fall Background

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Start of Class!

Ok...so I'm not officially a student anymore...but it is my desire and goal to maintain an attitude of teachability with a love for learning throughout the rest of my life. In college, I spent much of my time as a social sciences major (and minor!) learning about how groups and individuals interact. This still intrigues me. The why's and hows of history seem to unfold when you understand the people involved. I've found this to be true in so many avenues of life....These academic interests have only grown my passion for studying Biblical History and Theology. The Bible itself is a historically flawless record of God's interactions with people spanning centuries and countless generations.
All this to say ....I'm so excited to be going back to class! Well....sort of.... This Sunday, the church I am attending will begin fall Sunday School classes. I'm very much looking forward to what I'm sure will be a wonderful semester of corporate study and growing in the Lord. Now....if I could only decide what class to take! A few I am considering are: Interpreting the Bible (Hermeneutics), World Religions, and a Peer Group Study (young, single adults) on the writings of Paul. I think I have an idea what I'm leaning towards but the number of great options require that the actual choice be made with some careful consideration. Yes...I do embrace my inner nerd :) In the words of Mark Driscoll, I "geek out on Theology"....and I'm ok with that :) )Wish me luck choosing but even more, please pray that I truly would have a teachable heart. The Lord is providing such sweet gifts in the opportunities to "go deep" with a committed body of believers. I can't wait to get started and find out how He'll use this time.

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