Fall Background

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Passion 2011 Main Session 3: Francis Chan

(Video-cast notes)

Is 61 Oaks of Righteousness

Rebuild, Renewal, Hope for Haiti

Holy, Holy, Holy -- telling God He's different from us, set apart completely, nothing like him- one being set apart

I Tim 6:15 Sovereign- in control, ruler
meditate on His word- thank God for each breath for 30 seconds- a fragile feeling
The sole being in charge of everything loves me and takes care of me

Phil 1:27
Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel (good news) of Christ --Our response should be worthy- giddy, excited, amazed, filled with joy

Worthy: balanced (as a scale) Good news of the Gospel weighed against your life When they're equal, you're living in light of what you believe

Is 14 satan: "I will ascend"
contrasted: Jesus descended (servant, obedient, sacrifice)
If you are constantly trying to lift yourself up, you are taking on the characteristic of the enemy

Luke 14- Lazarus and the rich man
Rev 20- if you believe the weight on one side of the scale, how does my life look in light of it?
You cant pick and choose what you want to "leave in" the Bible
can people look at your life and tell you believe in hell and that you've been saved from it?
ultimate salvation and joy over rescue

Matt 25 Weight of Glory Jesus' return

can people look at your life and see you believe he's coming back to retrieve only His own?
you don't need to be radical or extreme: make your life make sense- act out what you say you believe
Have so much joy that everyone believes you were saved by a Holy God
Strive side by side -unafraid then the world will believe....

Passion 2011 Main Session 2: Beth Moore

(Video Cast notes)

Rom 12:1-2 "but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" --> complete

God has allowed us, even as moral creatures, the ability to discern His will. His plan is how he executes that will

Good will: complete for your calling, good for you and to you. We cannot know this will without the renewal of the mind- we cannot just continue to think with our old thoughts and reasoning (natural mind). They must be renewed. It takes the renewal of the mind to discern His will for me.
Anything that impacts your calling or His for-ordained purpose for you on the planet. He has a personalized, specialized will for your life.
There is something you were pre-wired to be most fulfilled by (will of God)
We'll never find it without the renewed mind
I'm here in this generation, in this place, at this time to bring fame to God in my sphere of influence.

I will have to have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to fulfill His calling on my life- it is more than I can humanly, naturally do.
Discerning the will of God is something you fight for in the Spirit, not natural man. Heb 10:35-36 We're sinfully wired for self-preservation. Its not easy or natural to fight and discern (battle and beauty of the mind)

Gen 2:7 Man was formed from the dust of the earth -including the brain
Job 21:6 Impact of the mind-knowing what we're doing and why

Jer 29:11 (KJV) He thinks thoughts towards me (actively)
It is a lie to believe real change isn't possible
children of God can completely change our minds (repentance) =changing your mind in such a way that it changes your actions 2 Cor 10:3-5
Battle and Beauty of the mind is won intentionally -we don't fight with the weapons of the world
"take every thought captive"- to give direction not to cap off
Renew the mind. I would not be more free outside God's control

Stronghold- anything with mastery over you, gets away from you. that you dont often get away from ---jealousy, addiction, rejection, pride, insecurity
It pretends to have more power over us than God

Eph 4:17-19 New Testament definition of addiction- continual lust for more (behavior, substance, thoughts, etc) We try to manage it but it taks over
What we're giving it becomes not enough as it grows- it cries for more, there is no way to contain or manage
2 Tim 2:26 For every plan God has for my life, satan has a plot against it

Is it possible to live in mental victory? Ps 119:133 Let no sin rule over me!
We'll never be sinless on earth but if we cooperate with mental renewal, there is an ongoing sanctification There is enough power in Christ for us to not have to walk with any sin having dominion over us (proactive dominion sin)

I Cor 6:12 I will not be mastered by anything besides the Holy Spirit
destructive and distracting thought patterns
Doing what He's called you to do requires focus on Him- this is a challenge because we have so much going on. There is a need to let distractions go!
to be anointed by His power, we must learn to frequently shut every other door to every pipe trying to pour into the mind

Renew our minds before God- He doesn't yell, His voice is still and small Ps 27:4
The mind must get renewed to hear the one voice that matters JUST DO ONE THING!

Take thoughts captive for Christ so the unlimited capacity of the Holy Spirit will be unleashed on you Memorize Scripture!

We can know Christ Luke 2:18-19
Mary wasnt just amazed as everyone else- she thought it through
"pondered" likened to Joseph's father, Jacob
"keeping in mind" things that happened we cant just stop at amazement, we must stop and dwell on what God's trying to say to us

Destructive patterns
The more we think some way, the more we "burn a path" physiologically
the thought eventually becomes ingrained: the path is paved, toll road with a cost
This can happen with good or bad thought patterns

We can begin to think a new thought about an old situation - renewing of the mind
Think new thoughts about the old thing
Mercy and ministry come out of renewal
Change how you think to change how you feel- change the heart

I Cor 2: 9-10 No mind has conceived what God has intended for us but God has revealed it through the Holy Spirit
Luke 24- Jesus opened His disciples' minds to understand the scriptures

Mark 12:28-30
Love Him with your mind
Give God your mind and He'll blow it for you.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Passion 2011: Main Session 1

Happy New Year!
Yes, I do realize I'm quite late but as this is the first post of the new year, it's still fitting :)
Last year, I began 2010 at the Passion Conference in Atlanta. Sadly, I was unable to attend this year but the Passion team are such sweet servants to make video casts of the main sessions available! I was able to see all of them! As with last year, I wanted to share what I learned from these clearly gifted men and women of God. The line-up, down to the order, was the same as in 2010! Once again, God's grace and wisdom abounds!
Note: These are my notes from the video cast so they may be a bit choppy but I hope the main ideas are still apparent!

Main session 1: Louie Giglio 2011 (For Louie's 2010 opening Main Session, click here!)
Ps 148 Free and Fully Alive --Making time, etc count for what matters most.
This could be the year that you change the world. Louie used the example of Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerburg, just named the 2010 Person of the Year at only 26 years old
Jesus: eliminate desire for all that doesn't matter.
Phil 1:1 First word: "Paul"
The use of Pauls name as the first word in the book announces that all things can be made knew. When the church read the letter, they knew he used to be Saul, persecutor of the church
Acts 7:54 the crowd is furious with Stephen for speaking out for Christ and gnashes their teeth at him. He declared that he could see Jesus as they approached him. As they dragged him out to stone him, witnesses laid clothes at the feet of Saul. Saul (later Paul-author of much of the New Testament) gave approval to Stephen's death. This is the same man who is writing to encourage the church. God gave him a new name, passion, mission and purpose!
Paul's name is the gospel in one word. God can do anything. God uses his enemies for the greatest things on earth. Its not unlike God to choose anyone and completely change them to be an agent of His name; to change everything about them to set life in motion for His purposes.
God changed Saul's name, identity, opened his eyes to who Jesus is and to the glory of the gospel!
Another Paul letter- Jesus is...
all things created by and for Him
Head of the body
All fullness dwells in Jesus

Col 1:21
For once you were enemies of God Christ has reconciled you- Holy, without blemish FREE!
We were ALL enemies of God! Hopeless, in opposition to God
We have stepped into the friendship of God b/c of the work of God.
For He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it
Jesus will complete it! (NOT ME!!)
God is for you, committed

Phil 1:12 Paul states that what happened to him served to advance the Gospel
he was arrested for being a Christ-follower (turn of events from approving stonings of believers to being arrested for being one himself!

Ner0= Roman emperor
responsible for the worst persecution of early church believers
Rome- where all things evil originated

v 13: the whole palace guard came to an understanding that Paul was in chains for Jesus It gave him the opportunity to spread the Gospel through the palace guard
Circumstances have no power over our being free and alive Not even a Roman jail cell! God doesn't care about circumstances- they dont limit Him. Stop complaining! Will I complain or will I see the possibility that circumstances have no power and God will use it for deliverance and His glory?

We preach our own funerals You cant hire anyone to say anything other than who you were and what you lived for
Nothing - not relationships, family issues, changes of plans, roommates etc can keep you from a new start in Jesus!

God has a purpose and a plan! (Jer 29:11)
To live is Christ, to die is gain
Living in the body-Fruitful labor, purpose
Living on earth is more Jesus
No chains on me- difficult circumstances provide opportunities to advance the gospel

Doing our own thing is not freedom, it wraps a chain around our neck
Choose the chain. You'll be a slave to something
Choose Jesus= freedom (being bound to Him)
Jesus is the grace-giver, restorative power
I will chain my destiny to Jesus, let God's presence drown out desire for everything that doesn't matter

Live to the FULL- be prepared to say goodbye to this life; ready, excited to meet Jesus.