Fall Background

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Passion 2011 Main Session 3: Francis Chan

(Video-cast notes)

Is 61 Oaks of Righteousness

Rebuild, Renewal, Hope for Haiti

Holy, Holy, Holy -- telling God He's different from us, set apart completely, nothing like him- one being set apart

I Tim 6:15 Sovereign- in control, ruler
meditate on His word- thank God for each breath for 30 seconds- a fragile feeling
The sole being in charge of everything loves me and takes care of me

Phil 1:27
Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel (good news) of Christ --Our response should be worthy- giddy, excited, amazed, filled with joy

Worthy: balanced (as a scale) Good news of the Gospel weighed against your life When they're equal, you're living in light of what you believe

Is 14 satan: "I will ascend"
contrasted: Jesus descended (servant, obedient, sacrifice)
If you are constantly trying to lift yourself up, you are taking on the characteristic of the enemy

Luke 14- Lazarus and the rich man
Rev 20- if you believe the weight on one side of the scale, how does my life look in light of it?
You cant pick and choose what you want to "leave in" the Bible
can people look at your life and tell you believe in hell and that you've been saved from it?
ultimate salvation and joy over rescue

Matt 25 Weight of Glory Jesus' return

can people look at your life and see you believe he's coming back to retrieve only His own?
you don't need to be radical or extreme: make your life make sense- act out what you say you believe
Have so much joy that everyone believes you were saved by a Holy God
Strive side by side -unafraid then the world will believe....

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