Fall Background

Sunday, May 24, 2009

To Make Him Famous....

Through various experiences and situations over the last few months, God's been teaching me more about what it means to live for His glory- that everything I do and say should make much of God and why it's so central to the Christian life. I Cor 10:31-33 A wonderful example of this is the apostle Paul. I've been reading through Paul's letters in my time with the Lord. He's very direct in his messages to young churches with new believers. He makes it very clear that everything he does is for the sake of the Gospel - to make Christ known to the nations. The Lord's been working on my heart to understand that Paul is such an example of what it means to glorify God because he surrendered his entire life. Nothing he did for the kingdom was within his own power! Obeying the will and commands of God are not acts of my own will but of His power through me!
Someone posted the Passion 08 Regionals conference opening video on YouTube. Its a great reminder of what spreading the gospel, making Jesus famous in our generation, looks like: proclaiming His name no matter the cost recognizing that neglecting this responsibility has life and death consequences. (the message intro begins around 4min 30 sec)

Here's the transcript:

Hello Atlanta
We're so glad you're here
We've invited you to our amazing city to LIFT UP the beautiful One
His fame is what Passion is all about Are you with us?
He's the Son of God COME DOWN
Beauty in a sinner's crown
The innocent life laid down
The one where grace from death abounds
And...Just in case you missed it
Our mission: A generation awakened to make Jesus famous
A generation marked by worship and justice
A generation working together to change the world in Jesus' name....
In every place we pose this question...
Could there be a day when His fame echoes loudest
and our campuses hear his name?
We believe it's possible. We believe it's coming. We believe it's time.
We believe He's here.
Everything bright and good, lasting and true, everything new
He is
Price payer, shame bearer, grave ender, breach repairer, crown wearer
rearranger, hope's anchor, world changer, church builder, always sustainer,
freeing,loving, never-ending

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