Fall Background

Saturday, May 2, 2009

SummerLINK '08 --Almost 1 Yr Later!

Reading back over the last few summerlink blogs and reflecting on the experience, a few things I said seem to be becoming ever more true....

Overall, I’d count project among the most positively life changing experiences and blessings of my life. I spent the summer with an amazing group of brothers and sisters who consistently seek to glorify God with their whole lives. I’ve learned so much from interactions or just watching them exude their love for Christ with their attitudes and actions.

Those moments have stayed with me. I dont think I'll soon forget sitting in the banquet room with the group that God used to grow and humble me so much. Listening to testimonies of growth and thankfulness to our awesome God, I could clearly see He has great plans for such willing servants and I'm so excited to be witness to what He'll do!

I'm still processing exactly what this summer has meant. I think I've come to the partial conclusion that I most likely will not know the full extent of this impact possibly even for years to come.

I realized that I didn't post many pictures here of the summer so I thought I'd create a slideshow! Enjoy :)

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