December 18 was the wedding day of my sweet friend, Becky. I have seen the Lord work so mightily in her life in last few years. Despite great challenge, she has stood firm in the faith. Her wedding day was a celebration of a marriage covenant clearly ordained by God. Watching the development of their relationship has been a great encouragement to me. It was a blessing to be able to take part in the celebration of His faithfulness to use both of their lives to His Glory!
Fall Background
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster
December 18 was the wedding day of my sweet friend, Becky. I have seen the Lord work so mightily in her life in last few years. Despite great challenge, she has stood firm in the faith. Her wedding day was a celebration of a marriage covenant clearly ordained by God. Watching the development of their relationship has been a great encouragement to me. It was a blessing to be able to take part in the celebration of His faithfulness to use both of their lives to His Glory!
The Greatest Present is His Presence
In the time of Isaiah's prophecy of a coming Messiah, hearts were shaking from fear of an impending invasion. (7:1-2) This made the promise of a coming Savior all the more an answer to the prayers of a desperate people. Into shaking hearts, God spoke! He spoke a comforting word (v 4-9) and a confirming sign (v 10-14).
Pastor Ken asked three questions in application of the sermon:
1. Who are you trusting in? Idols? yourself? unfaithful leaders? human strategies of self-rescue?
2. Why should we trust in God? (Is 7:7-9, 15-17; 40:21-24)
He is the great judge, holy ruler, the only one who can bring deliverance
There are consequences for not trusting God (Is 30:15-17)
3. How do we fight fear?
1. Fight fear with FAITH (Is 7:9; 26:3-4)
2. Fight fear with the FEAR OF GOD (Is 8:12-13)
3. Fight fear with the WORD OF GOD (Is 41:10, 13-14)
4. Fight fear with PRAYER (Is 37: 16-20)
5. Fight fear with GOD'S SON (Matt 1:23, 28:20; Heb 13:5)
We need a King we can trust and depend on (Is 9:6)
We need a Savior who will save us from our sins (Is 53)
We need an Anointed Preacher who speaks to us the gospel (Is 61)
We need One who will vindicate us from our enemies (Is 63)
His name is Jesus and we celebrate His birth today
Thank you Lord for the greatest present ever given to humanity!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Denton
On December 11, I had the privilage to join Clemson friends and the Crosspoint Church family in celebrating the marriage of Matt and Tara. Tara discipled me my senior year of college. As she poured into me and counceled me through a challenging season of my life, I observed her in her relationships and servanthood. She is truly a beautiful woman of God, inside and out. At the wedding, we were able to write a message to the couple. I wrote to Matt that it should come as no surprise that he has an amazing woman. I added an encouragement to keep her laughing and love her well. Having known Matt at Clemson as well and getting to know him more on summer project, I have no doubt that he will live up to his role as a husband, exemplifying Biblical manhood.
Above: Sweet Aliece! Below: Emily and I with the Bride!!!!
It was so much fun to get some girl time with Em and Aliece after the wedding! Love and miss you both!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I'm a Tiger
I really loved the dinner blessing a friend of mine gave after another loss earlier this season: "Thank you Lord that our identity is not in a football team". It was meant mostly in jest but it really set my focus back on why I really love Clemson: b/c of what God did in me and for me there. My identity is daughter of the Most High. I learned so much about this during my time at Clemson.
As I've mentioned before here and here: looking back, I recognize that God did a great deal of spiritual maturing in me during my time in TigerTown. Saying I'm a Tiger brings to mind the faces of many brothers and sisters God has used in my life. I was tremendously blessed to share a season with them; to be poured into and blessed to learn from and follow their examples.
It also reminds me of how great my God is. He ordained my steps to allow me to grow in the knowledge of His Truth and to daily experience His character and His love. God showered His grace on me then, knowing exactly where I needed to be in that time in my life. He knew the people I needed to meet, the surroundings I needed to be in, the trials I needed to learn and grow through. So many times God met me where I was. He continues to shower that grace on me now, building on truths; foundations of which were begun in my college years.
Win or lose, I will always say with thankfulness, I am a Tiger. Its so much more than an athletic record....
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Growing and Learning Day by Day
sovereign (I Tim 6:14-16), holy (Lev 19:2), worthy of honor and glory (Heb 3:3), forgiving (Ps 86:5), comforter (2 Cor 1:3-4), gracious and merciful (Ps 103:8).....
and so many more things...
God's been teaching me some pretty powerful lessons regarding His power and grace. Fear, anxiety, and discouragement are never tools God uses when He's dealing with us directly to correct and discipline. When faced with these obstacles, I have an instinct to ask what I've done wrong and why God wont answer my cries for guidance. While my attention is distracted by the enemy's lies of "unworthy", "unwanted", "not good enough", "powerless", "defeated", I neglect the truth: God alone loves me so much that He died for me (Rom 5:6).... The devil is the liar, God Almighty is Lord!
I was reminded tonight that my God is mighty but He does not force us to do His will. He is not a tyrant. He is a loving Father. His voice is gentle yet unwavering. He is the God of peace not confusion or fear (I Cor 14:33, 2 Tim 1:7). He may allow the enemy to use these tactics to force me to turn to Himself but He will never love me less or force me into submission. I get to choose Him each day. He offers renewal and grace afresh each morning.
I will stand firm in the faith and in the promises of my Savior. I am washed clean by the blood of the lamb. I am wanted (Ps 139). I am adopted (Phil 3:12). I am justified (Rom 5:9). My debt has been wiped clean and my God has a purpose for me! (Jer 29:11)
"The father of preaching the song of the redeemed....cursed and gone astray I cannot gain salvation...singing the first verse so conveniently, He’s forgotten the refrain: Jesus saves" (Embracing Accusation-Shane and Shane)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Timm!
The ceremony, by all American accounts, was very different but this is because they and their guests held a worship service to the Lord in thankfulness for his faithfulness. We sang worship songs along with the bride and groom and prayed over them as a body of believers lifting the marriage of our siblings to the Father for guarding and for use according to His will.
One of the songs was "How Beautiful"
How beautiful the hands that served
the wine and the bread
and the sons of the earth.
How beautiful the feet that walked
the long dusty roads
and the hills to the cross.
How beautiful
how beautiful
how beautiful is the body of Christ.
How beautiful the heart that bled
that took all my sin
and bore it instead.
How beautiful the tender eyes
that chose to forgive
and never despise.
How beautiful
how beautiful
how beautiful is the body of Christ.
And as He laid down His life
we offer this sacrifice
that we will live just as he died:
willing to pay the price
willing to pay the price.
How beautiful the radiant Bride
who waits for her Groom
with His light in her eyes.
How beautiful when humble hearts give
the fruit of pure lives
so that others may live.
How beautiful
how beautiful
how beautiful is the body of Christ.
How beautiful the feet that bring
the sound of good news
and the love of the King.
How beautiful the hands that serve
the wine and the bread
and the sons of the earth.
How beautiful
how beautiful
how beautiful is the body of Christ.
God-honoring couples like Joshua and Peg, which God has graced me to be able to observe, are a continual reminder to wait for His best. He is the great sustainer. His faithfulness is unmatched by far.

Clemson Groundbreaking
On October 27, I had the opportunity to attend the ground-breaking for Clemson's new Wind-Turbine testing facility in Charleston!! I am so excited about Clemson's presence here but more-so about the purpose. Before I graduated, Clemson opened the ICAR facility in Greenville for testing and innovation in automotive research. They have now moved to Charleston to continue efforts toward renewable resources with wind turbines. As many of the political leaders present noted, this will have a great impact on the economy and job market in the Lowcountry as well as contributions to conservation of our natural environment. The details are much better explained in this article I was so encouraged hearing in the speeches of how the project came together through great collaboration among the University, state and city. Our political leaders fought hard to award $45 Mill to the project which was matched in the private sector with $53 Mill! I was especially impressed, however, with how even political leaders took time to acknowledge that it's God's grace and creation that allows us these resources and that the overall project will make strides in stewarding these blessings. I am continually blown away with the leadership and blessings God has provided to Clemson. He is doing great things with His campus and His people. I am blessed to have attended a university with so many who love and seek to honor the Lord. Father, to you be the glory for all you provide!
Quick Catch-Up
So, catching up.....first of all, THANK YOU! to those who have prayed for and loved on my family in the passing of my grandfather. We were overwhelmed with the calls, cards, thoughts and generous gifts sent. The family is doing well. Glory to God, Papa is home with Him!!!
What's kept me so busy is a rapid series of changes: the weekend after I returned from my grandfather's funeral, I moved into another house with a couple of sweet girls (much closer to work!!) It's difficult at times not being closer to the church and therefore to friends but overall, its been a great transition! I am continuing to adjust to the new position which has (Praise the Lord!) mostly been smooth.
These are two of the wonderful ladies I work with. My cube-mate is on the far right.

Such a sweet blessing! I am daily learning from her about maintaining a Christ-like attitude in the workplace. I have such a tendency to carry things so much longer than I should. She is an example and reminder to "reset" (as she puts it!) and not carry the little annoyances and aggravations that should barely be momentary especially in light of our purpose here.
We also have a sweet brother nearby who has us laughing most of the day. Overall, I am incredibly blessed to be surrounded by the team that I have. God continues to reassure me that He has a purpose and a plan.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
....By those you have trained....
Reading through my dad' comments at my grandfather's memorial, "you stand relieved by those you have trained" stands out to me. It's so very true of the Christian faith and walk. We must stand the watch, bear the load, fight the battle....and we must train others to do likewise. Part of hearing "well done my good and faithful servant" at our homecoming I'm sure includes the recognition of disciples trained; faithful watchmen ready to stand as their predecessors are relieved, and sent home.
The faithful servant stands relieved
The ceremony itself was very fitting bringing in both his distinguished military service and his love for Biblical theology and service in the Episcopal church.
My dad's closing remarks carry so much meaning. They captured my grandfather, our Papa, so beautifully. He quoted heavily from a passage known as "The Watch" often recited at the retirement ceremonies of members of the US Coast Guard.
'The Watch'
For those of you who have served in the military, or at home, you know the significance of the “The Watch.” "The Watch” signifies the duty assignments stood (at sea) and the extra vigilance, shown by that sailor.
[Another tradition is] The Passing of the Watch
“Boatswain's Mate, ... stand by to pipe the side." This order has been passed on naval ships from the early 1500's through today ... Spanish, French, Dutch, English. Yes, every navy in the world has used the Boatswain's Call and Side Boys to bring aboard or send ashore its officers, visiting officers and all visiting dignitaries. The Boatswain would pipe the side as the Side Boys lay on or lay off the lines used to raise or lower the boarding platform.
The ship's master or Captain would extend this privilege and honor to port officials to ensure a good berth for his ship while in port. It was not uncommon for the Commanding Officer of a naval ship of the line to order up the jolly boat, eight strong Sailors to man the oars, a Boatswain and Side Boys ... to send an old shipmate and fellow officer ashore ... never to sail a naval ship again.
"All Hands on Deck!", was passed. The crew fell in at parade for muster, ... the Commanding Officer would make a speech ... telling about the retiree's service, ... the great battles fought upon the open sea, ... the victories ... the storms weathered, ... voyages to strange and distant lands, ... ports of call visited that others can only dream about, ... and we would speak of shipmates left behind.
Then the Commanding Officer would present the retiree with a fine sword, .. officers would present him with a brace of fine pistols, a rifle, or a musket. Then the crew would present him with a sea chest, bound in leather and brass, lined with cedar. This was to protect the uniform he wore so proudly those many years. These gifts were to remind him of the ships he sailed, ... the ports he made, ... and above all, to remind him of the crews with whom he served those many years. The Boatswain's Mate would 'Stand Tall' with the Side Boys, the crew was called to "Attention", ... then the retiree would step to the Quarterdeck, salute the Commanding Officer, ... and ... for the last time, request permission to go ashore.
Permission granted, the retiree would step onto the platform and salute the flag he so proudly served, ... as the Side Boys lowered away to the Boatswain's Call. As the jolly boat pulled away from the side, ... the ship's Gunner would fire a final salute from the ship's main battery, ... the retiree would be seated in the stem sheets of the jolly boat, ... going ashore for the last time.
Today, ... we heave to, ... stop all engines, ... lay about smartly, ... drop the anchor, ... and stand by to honor one of our shipmates, ... a shipmate going ashore, ... to honor those years served, ... the guidance, ... the leadership, ... the expertise, ... and ... above all, ... the friendship that this shipmate … son …brother … husband, father has given these past 87 years.
Aye mates, ... for many years, ... this Sailor has stood the Watch, ... while some of us lay about in our bunks at night, this Sailor has stood the Watch, ... while some of us were in school still learning our trade, this Sailor stood the Watch, ... and yes, before some of us were even born into this world, this Sailor stood the Watch. In those years when storm clouds of war were brewing on the horizon of history, ... this Sailor stood the Watch.
Many times he would cast an eye ashore to see his family standing there, needing his guidance and help, ... needing that hand to hold during hard times, but this Sailor stood the Watch, ... he stood the Watch for these 87 years. He stood the Watch so that we and our families and our fellow countrymen could sleep soundly, in safety ... each and every night, ... knowing that a good Sailor stood the Watch. Stood the watch in service to his family, his country, and above all, to his God and to our Lord Jesus Christ in faith.
So, today we are here to say, ... "Shipmate, the Watch stands relieved," ... relieved by those you have trained, ... guided, ... and led.
Shipmate … Dad … you stand relieved.
Mom, We have ... "the Watch."
Monday, September 13, 2010
Welcome Home
I'm thankful to know that my grandfather finished the race. He set the pace in our family being one of faith. I'm sure when he met Jesus, he heard "well done" for how he lived. Though his accomplishments in life are many, including distinguished service in the US Coast Guard, he is known to his family and friends as incredibly humble and kind. I'll remember Papa's sweet demeanor. He always seemed to have a smile or a joke (with the family's famous clever sense of humor). He remains one of the most generous, genuinely caring men in my life.
I lost count of the many offers and statements to make ourselves at home as my immediate family were often guests in my grandparents' home for family gatherings. As long as I can remember, family was a top priority for Papa. He and Nana brought us together for vacations and holidays. I am thankful for the example he set in cherishing family time.
Although it will be hard to adjust to his absence in our family, it is a tremendous joy to know that he no longer has to inhabit his worn earthly body.
Thank you Lord for the blessing of knowing this wonderful man. We will miss him greatly but know you have warmly welcomed your son home.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Happy 36th Birthday East Cooper!
Another uplifting treat for the church family was the reports from the summer mission teams. Each team gave a synopsis of what God did through their trip and showed pictures.
We also had a wonderful time of musical worship which included the choir, contemporary worship band and orchestra!
I really loved a couple of the songs which I've heard before in contemporary worship services.
The Saving One- Starfield
What mercy was revealed
What selflessness and peace
My fate was surely sealed
Until He rescued me
His pardon for my sin
His bounty for my need
From slavery and shame
I am redeemed
And Heaven can't contain
The glory of the Son
Jesus is the Christ, the saving One
His love has made a way
The grave is overcome
Jesus is the Christ, the saving One
No fear can hold me down
Nor darkness steal my joy
For blood has been poured out
The enemy destroyed
Death could not hold Him down
The cross was not enough
To steal away His throne
For He is God
And Heaven can't contain
The glory of the Son
Jesus is the Christ, the saving One
His love has made a way
The grave is overcome
Jesus is the Christ, the saving One
Anyone who calls upon His name
They will be saved
They will be saved
Anyone who calls upon His name
They will be saved
They will be saved
And Heaven can't contain
The glory of the Son
Jesus is the Christ, the saving One
His love has made a way
The grave is overcome
Jesus is the Christ, the saving One (x2)
Anyone who calls upon His name
They will be saved
They will be saved
Anyone who calls upon His name
They will be saved
They will be saved
Our God Saves-Paul Baloche
In the name of the Father
In the name of the Son
In the name of the Spirit
Lord we've come
We're gathered together
To lift up Your name
To call on our savior
To fall on Your grace
In the name of the Father
In the name of the Son
In the name of the Spirit
Lord we've come
We're gathered together
To lift up Your name
To call on our savior
To fall on Your grace
Hear the joyful sound of our offering
As your saints bow down, as your people sing
We will rise with You, lifted on Your wings
And the world will see that
Our God saves, our God saves
There is hope in Your name
In the name of the Father
In the name of the Son
In the name of the Spirit
Lord we've come
We're gathered together
To lift up Your name
To call on our savior
To fall on Your grace
Hear the joyful sound of our offering
As your saints bow down, as your people sing
We will rise with You, lifted on Your wings
And the world will see that
Our God saves, our God saves
There is hope in Your name
Mourning turns to songs of praise
Our God saves, our God saves
Hear the joyful sound of our offering
As your saints bow down, as your people sing
We will rise with You, lifted on Your wings
And the world will see that
And the world will see that
Our God saves, our God saves
There is hope in Your name
Mourning turns to songs of praise
Our God saves, our God saves
Our God saves, our God saves
Our God saves, our God saves
The East Cooper Church family enjoyed quite the celebration of God's goodness. Happy 36th ECBC!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Seeking God's heart, one unsteady step at a time
We first read through Ps 138 then prayed through Ps 145 (praise, thanksgiving and supplication)
Our time was very encouraging. At one point, I was reminded of FCA worship services under the stars-feeling so close to His heart surrounded by His fingerprints. I realized though, that its so easy to get caught up in the natural emotions of the moment and to describe something like this in very "pretty" wording. It's so easy to feel the emotions of praise really without genuine heart stirring behind it. God is beautiful. Worship and making much of His glory is breathtaking.
I have found myself asking lately what stirs my praise? Am I stirred with the easy emotion of the moment or am I stirred because I truly understand God's love for me and what it cost Him; reminded of the truth of the Gospel and how great a God that gives this gift. It seems being filled with emotion can actually be a very empty form of "praise".
I fail miserably at this. I have a wandering mind and a selfish heart. I could never give God the praise He truly deserves but sometimes I can't even manage to turn my thoughts to Him long enough to refer to it as anything more than singing....
Kelly mentioned that the recurring concept of the musical worship was God's ultimate gift...I saw it as the continuation of what has been repeated for me lately: His love. I too often miss how personal God is. I see how He's God over all but I miss how gentle, close and loving He is. My personality is very much a "rule follower" and rather black and white in my logic.
I have been blessed to have been exposed to some great theological teaching. I most definitely cherish this as I have learned so much about my faith and my God. However, I think I have also succumb to burying myself in all that is black and white and grasped with enough study. I gloss over the reality of His love.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Can't wait to see what God does from here!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
More to Come
God's been working on my heart a good bit lately. His method of choice once again being the complete destruction of "my plans". I seem to remember something about those no longer belonging to me...perhaps I should inform my planner brain....(again!) I have recently transitioned out of my position as Marketing Director (though remaining with the company for now). Through various instances, God revealed His hand in my stepping down. I believe this to be an act of obedience to be able to accept and act upon coming direction from the Lord. Of course, recognizing this to be God's will doesn't make this entirely "easy". I do feel at peace....just not sure why something so crazy is so peace-inducing. I am also planning to move across town in October.
Despite a period of relatively high levels of bitterness and confusion on my part, I am starting to once again see the son through the clouds. This summer has proved to be a hard season of testing. God's been showing me sins and generally areas of my life that are most in need of His correction. Most notably, certain "personality traits" and deeply ingrained sin struggles which, in essence, present themselves as high walls guarding against growing intimacy in my walk with the Lord. As I so easily overlook however, the areas most in need of correction are also most in need of a humbled cry for grace.
As the Young Adults discussed in Sunday School a couple of weeks ago, this walk of faith is made of peaks and valleys.
That said, this is something that came to mind a few days ago. I wrote it down and am posting it in the event that someone may be blessed in knowing that they're not alone.
I find myself feeling like a lost hiker. Worn, wandering in the darkness, often grumbling; striving for some semblance of rest, some plateau in the seemingly ever-inclining journey, wanting nothing more than to collapse and end the stumbling. A far cry from the apparently dormant desire to run hard for the tape- to finish the race. Yet, I notice, however small the steps, however minuscule the progress, I AM still moving! The only certainty being that I do so with a strength not my own.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The TaTa Magic
Friday, June 25, 2010
"This Little Light of Mine"
He moved on to the next student: "No one likes you, you're alone in this world!" Another continued attack until she too blew out her candle upon hearing the oppressive demand to "give up". Next was a male student: "you're disgusting, you hide in the shadows with your pornography God cant use you. Give up!" More attacks, another light extinguish, voice silenced. Two girls remain now. He continues. "Slut, whore, trash. You're worthless" With each individual, the cutting blow is delivered: "not even God wants you, give up". One voice, one light remain. She raises her voice in preparation for the attack: "this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine....." He descends: "why are you even trying, why don't you give up"? She persists. He increases his intensity: "No one wants to be friends with you, they wont even talk to you"! She holds steady, still singing, still holding her flame. The darkness makes his final attempt and retreats. She passes her flame to the girl next to her who continues it down the line, lighting the chain and once again filling the room with five voices. Light and praise return, no sign of the darkness. The group exits and another girl from the group approaches the mic to read to us from Rom 8. There is "now no condemnation for those who are in Christ". Praise God! She concluded with, "I hope you feel that freedom tonight" ....
God's use of timing in ministering to my heart is not only in giving me a group of believers to worship and fellowship with especially in the absence of my small group (in recess for the summer) but also in the timing of my day to prepare my heart for what He wanted me to hear tonight.
During my quiet time today, I felt the need to spend a little more time journaling as God was dealing with my heart on some things. I didn't think much of it until the very same message the Lord was personally preaching to my heart was given again in the meeting! The message was a "special delivery" of grace as it was both very convicting and incredibly freeing!
The evening started out with the testimony of one of the project members, Kim. She began by stating that she wanted to tell us a story about how she fell in love with Jesus. The way she presented herself was so free of any trace of self-centeredness....She's very clearly full of wisdom gained through valleys and trails. I related to her background: Christian home, Christian school, decision at a young age and yet no consistency walking in the faith until college particularly after the breakup of a long-term relationship. A couple of Kim's statements particularly stuck out to me: After realizing that she had not fully submitted her relationship to the Lord, she told Him she didn't have the strength to walk away so she asked God to "either work through the relationship or end it". Such wisdom and beauty in surrender. And such truth. A relationship that is not fulfilling God's purposes is not worth fighting (against God) for. Kim's walk has been getting stronger by the day as she falls "more in love with Him daily". She continues to pray for "a love and passion for Christ that is consistent through ups and downs rather than being dependent on them". This reminded me of a conversation I had with a sweet friend just a few days ago: a needed reminder to seek God to know His character and His heart for His world, His people and His glory not solely for the answer to or delivery from circumstances.
The staff director, Chad, gave the message from the Word continuing the group's study of Romans. Tonight's lesson focused on brokenness from Romans 6 but referencing Romans 5-8.
Chad asked two questions:
1) Does the message of salvation-by-grace-alone lead you to stay unchanged morally?
2) Does the gospel (the message you are no longer "under the law") leave you free to live in any way you choose?
The answer to both is "no"
1) Rom 6:2-14 2) Rom 6:16-23, 7:1-6
and gave "the Faith Formula"
Intimacy w God= (Prayer + God's Word) + Brokenness + (Obedience +Evangelism)
(Faith+Benefits) = (Knowledge of Faith) + Receptiveness + (Acts or Steps of Faith)
Benefits of faith are defined as Fruits of the Spirit
The portion that brought about the most reflection though was the very specific contrasting of Unbroken and Broken People
Unbroken People vs Broken People
unbroken: Focus on the failures of others
broken: Overwhelmed with sense of own spiritual need
unbroken: Self-righteous; have a critical, fault-finding spirit
broken:Compassionate; forgiving; look for best in others
unbroken: Look down on others
broken:Esteem others better than self
unbroken: Independent/self-sufficient spirit
broken:Dependent spirit/recognize need for others
unbroken: Maintain control; must be their way broken:Surrender Control
unbroken: Have to prove that they are right; Claim rights
broken:Willing to yield the right to be right; Yield rights
unbroken: Demanding spirit broken: Giving spirit
unbroken: Self-protective of time, rights, reputation broken: Self-denying
unbroken: Work to maintain image/protect reputation broken: Die to own reputation
unbroken: Desire: to be served, be a success, self-advancement
broken: Motivated to serve others, desire to make others a success and promote them
unbroken: Driven to be recognized/appreciated "The ministry is privileged to have me"
broken:Sense of unworthiness; thrilled to be used at all
"I dont deserve to serve in this ministry"
unbroken: Think of what they can do for God broken: Know they have nothing to offer God
unbroken: Feel confident in how much they know
broken: Humbled by how much they have to learn
unbroken: Defensive when criticized broken: Receive criticism with a humble, open heart
unbroken: Don't think that they have anything to repent of
broken:Continual heart attitude of repentance
Bits of wisdom:
The more I can be broken before God each day, the more I can fall in love with Him
Faith doesn't accumulate, it must be renewed each day.
God's timing....
Two of the new summer employees, Amy and Erin, are in town for a 10-week Campus Crusade Summer Project. When I heard that they were on project, we started comparing notes....
The similarities have been fun to find and chat about: both are 10 weeks with the staff departing half way through, their project is a first for CCC: first time being held in Charleston! SummerLINK was the first project Crosspoint Church had ever held. Although the summer project I attended was not organized through Crusade, it was modeled after Crusade projects as our Staff Director is a former CCC staffer. We've had fun chatting about Women's Night, offering suggestions for reflection night and generally sharing our experiences.
It's hard to believe its been two years since I was on project. God used that summer and continues to use the people He put in my life in some amazing ways. I now get the blessing of watching two sweet sisters run hard after the Lord as they serve this city on their own project! Their passion for Jesus and their mission here is so uplifting!
The Charleston group is currently preparing for their staff to leave next week. One of the girls has expressed that they're a bit nervous but excited to find out what God has planned for just the students. I told her the night the staff left was one of the sweetest for me on project. The vast majority (I think we were only missing 3 or 4) of the students gathered in one of the condos and watched a movie together. So simple.... and yet such a sweet memory!
SummerLINK ('08 and those currently in progress) has been on my heart recently. God is using this program in hearts and lives throughout the state and now the world! Just two years later, there are FOUR SummerLINKS: the "flagship" of sorts has moved from Hilton Head to Myrtle Beach for its third summer, SummerLINK Clemson is in its second summer, and this year brings the addition of SummerLINK Greenville (serving with Renewal, the church plant of Crosspoint's former Youth Pastor) and the first international 'LINK to India!! Praise God His ways are so grace-laden! He chooses to use us allowing us to take part in His beautiful master plan. What a privilege!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
One of the main reasons Mom and Dad wanted to invite me home was that my grandmother was in town for an extended visit. My grandmother's sister and her daughter and granddaughter live within a few hours drive of my parents house so they were also there for a couple of days. I wish we'd gotten a picture! We had the two sisters (grandmothers) and their daughters and granddaughters. It was definitely a fun experience to see a piece of my family tree gathered in one place.
I got to town in the early afternoon on Saturday. The ladies were doing some shopping so Dad picked me up and took me to PF Chang's for lunch. It's one of my favorite places to eat but I don't get to go often because the closest to where I live is about three hours away. Definitely a special treat! The group spent the rest of the day exploring some of Va Beach and generally enjoying one another's company. On Sunday, my great aunt and her family had to head back home. It was such a quick visit with them but I was also thankful for some time with just my parents and grandmother whom I don't see often as she's from Michigan. It was so nice to rest and just be together.
To top off the trip, I was able to visit with my Dad's parents on Sunday evening before getting to bed for an early flight on Monday. One of the highlights of the trip though, was the trip back. I had a 6am flight so the sun as just beginning to wake the sky. There was a soft, misty cloud blanket over land mass which was also intertwined with rivers and other bodies of water. It was a beautiful view from the plane! Thankfully, I had my camera in my carry-on!

I was reminded of how small I am in comparison to God's greatness. It was a very comforting, peaceful feeling that the God who created this vast beauty is taking care of me in every aspect of my existence: every heartbeat, every burden. He's in control. Seeing something like this very quickly puts challenges into perspective. God puts on this display of His power, vastness and creativity every morning across the world... What makes me think I need to "help" Him handle the daily "bumps in the road"?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Too good not to share!
Part of Something Bigger
2010 at 11:46 am | by Nicole WhitacreFiled under Biblical Womanhood
On Saturday I attended the out-of-town wedding of my sister-in-law. We drove home on Sunday, and I arrived just in time to witness the birth of a dear friend’s baby girl on Monday. It has been an exhausting and exhilarating week.
But now I have suitcases to unpack (still!), laundry to do, and week-old emails to answer. The adrenalin has drained away, and the days ahead seem downright dull.
These words from John Piper on the book of Ruth place my recent past and immediate future in proper perspective:
“God’s purposes for his people is to connect us to something far greater than ourselves. God wants us to know that when we follow him, our lives always mean more than we think they do. Naomi had no idea in the land of Moab that God was making her the ancestor of the Messiah. For the Christian there is always a connection between ordinary events of life and the stupendous work of God in history.
Everything we do in obedience to God, no matter how small, is significant. It is part of a cosmic mosaic that God is painting to display the greatness of his powers and kingdom to the world and to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (Ephesians 3:10). A deep satisfaction of the Christian life is that we are not given over to trifles. Serving a widowed mother in law, gleaning in a field, falling in love, having a baby—for the Christian these things are connected to eternity. They are part of something so much bigger than they seem" (p. 121).
Thank God—as Christians, “We are not given over to trifles!” The ordinary events of life and the extraordinary ones are all “part of something so much bigger than they seem." And everything we do in obedience to God is significant.
Kind of changes how I think about unpacking my suitcases.
Friday, May 7, 2010

For our first full day, we spent some time on campus and enjoyed Pendleton Cafe for lunch before driving up to Caesar's Head State Park for some hiking. We stopped at Bald Rock on the way to take in the beautiful views of the Blue Ridge.
Our second day was a day trip to Columbia. We went to the state house, a park on Lake Murray and of course, shopping! (and our other favorite activity, great food!--this was a continuing activity!)

Our third day together was Katie's birthday so we took a slightly slower pace and enjoyed some time in Greenville and Clemson. We walked Falls Park, shopped and ate in Downtown Greenville then went to Clemson for pedicures and a bit more campus time. (Izzy and Katie had two years of campus time to make up!) We were so blessed with great weather throughout our trip! We only changed plans once as we thought the baseball game would be rained out. It ended up played as planned but we preferred our pampering time! It was my first pedicure experience so I especially had fun!

Though our trip ended all too quickly, we certainly packed our time full of lots of great activities.
It was a very sweet time to catch up on each others lives and share some of our favorite things from college (and a few new things as well!)
I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Crosspoint family. The main reason for my visit, however, was to see a good friend of mine, Becky, baptized at the Lake Fellowship. Held at Y-Beach on Lake Hartwell, this is the same service in which I was baptized almost three years ago! It was wonderful to be there for such a big occasion in her life. I spoke with a friend, Ashley, one of Crosspoint's staff, during the fellowship. She said one of her favorite parts of Lake Fellowships is that it feels like homecoming for church members who have graduated or otherwise moved away. It definitely was so for me! One of Becky's friends since childhood Madison, whom I became friends with as we all attended Crosspoint in college, was able to make the trip and we surprised Becky with Emma and her husband, Stephen. It was a sweet reunion with college friends.
My baptism in August of 2007 (it was raining so I got "sprinkled and dunked" haha)

Becky's Baptism April 2010
Madison, Becky, Tracey, Emma, Emma's niece, Reese and our cameraman accidentally lost half of Susan!