Fall Background

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Growing and Learning Day by Day

God is....
sovereign (I Tim 6:14-16), holy (Lev 19:2), worthy of honor and glory (Heb 3:3), forgiving (Ps 86:5), comforter (2 Cor 1:3-4), gracious and merciful (Ps 103:8).....
and so many more things...
God's been teaching me some pretty powerful lessons regarding His power and grace. Fear, anxiety, and discouragement are never tools God uses when He's dealing with us directly to correct and discipline. When faced with these obstacles, I have an instinct to ask what I've done wrong and why God wont answer my cries for guidance. While my attention is distracted by the enemy's lies of "unworthy", "unwanted", "not good enough", "powerless", "defeated", I neglect the truth: God alone loves me so much that He died for me (Rom 5:6).... The devil is the liar, God Almighty is Lord!
I was reminded tonight that my God is mighty but He does not force us to do His will. He is not a tyrant. He is a loving Father. His voice is gentle yet unwavering. He is the God of peace not confusion or fear (I Cor 14:33, 2 Tim 1:7). He may allow the enemy to use these tactics to force me to turn to Himself but He will never love me less or force me into submission. I get to choose Him each day. He offers renewal and grace afresh each morning.
I will stand firm in the faith and in the promises of my Savior. I am washed clean by the blood of the lamb. I am wanted (Ps 139). I am adopted (Phil 3:12). I am justified (Rom 5:9). My debt has been wiped clean and my God has a purpose for me! (Jer 29:11)

"The father of lies....is preaching the song of the redeemed....cursed and gone astray I cannot gain salvation...singing the first verse so conveniently, He’s forgotten the refrain: Jesus saves" (Embracing Accusation-Shane and Shane)

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