One of the main reasons Mom and Dad wanted to invite me home was that my grandmother was in town for an extended visit. My grandmother's sister and her daughter and granddaughter live within a few hours drive of my parents house so they were also there for a couple of days. I wish we'd gotten a picture! We had the two sisters (grandmothers) and their daughters and granddaughters. It was definitely a fun experience to see a piece of my family tree gathered in one place.
I got to town in the early afternoon on Saturday. The ladies were doing some shopping so Dad picked me up and took me to PF Chang's for lunch. It's one of my favorite places to eat but I don't get to go often because the closest to where I live is about three hours away. Definitely a special treat! The group spent the rest of the day exploring some of Va Beach and generally enjoying one another's company. On Sunday, my great aunt and her family had to head back home. It was such a quick visit with them but I was also thankful for some time with just my parents and grandmother whom I don't see often as she's from Michigan. It was so nice to rest and just be together.
To top off the trip, I was able to visit with my Dad's parents on Sunday evening before getting to bed for an early flight on Monday. One of the highlights of the trip though, was the trip back. I had a 6am flight so the sun as just beginning to wake the sky. There was a soft, misty cloud blanket over land mass which was also intertwined with rivers and other bodies of water. It was a beautiful view from the plane! Thankfully, I had my camera in my carry-on!

I was reminded of how small I am in comparison to God's greatness. It was a very comforting, peaceful feeling that the God who created this vast beauty is taking care of me in every aspect of my existence: every heartbeat, every burden. He's in control. Seeing something like this very quickly puts challenges into perspective. God puts on this display of His power, vastness and creativity every morning across the world... What makes me think I need to "help" Him handle the daily "bumps in the road"?
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