For those who don't already know, I've started a new job with Chick-fil-a. I am still unsure as to what God has planned long-term. For now though, I'm grateful to be employed and for the calming peace with which the Lord has been sustaining me. It's been a blessing to work for a company with such God-honoring values! I've been learning so much about true hospitality, humility and serving with Spirit-filled joy through this experience.
One fun "perk" of going out into the dining room in the store is that I have an opportunity to hear the uplifting praise music being played. It seems so little yet makes such a difference in my heart and attitude throughout the day. It's a gift to help keep my focus on the greater purpose of God's glory while ministering to my coworkers and our guests. A song I find myself singing dwelling on is "More" by Matthew West.
Take a look at the mountain
Stretching a mile high
Take a look at the ocean
Far as your eye can see
And think of me
Take a look at the desert
Do you feel like a grain of sand?
I am with you wherever
Where you go is where I am
And I'm always thinking of you
Take a look around you
I'm spelling it out one by one
I love you more than the sun
And the stars that I taught how to shine
You are mine and you shine for me too
I love you
And today
And tomorrow
I'll say it again and again
I love you more
Just a face in the city
Just a tear on a crowded street
But you are one in a million
And you belong to me
And I want you to know
I'm not letting go
Even when you come undone
Shine for me
Shine for me
Shine on, shine on
Shine for me
I love you more than the sun
And the stars that I taught how to shine
You are mine and you shine for me too
I love you
And today
Through the joy
And the pain
I say it again and again
I love you more
I love you more
And I see you
And I made you
And I love you more than you can imagine
More than you can fathom
I love you more than the sun
And you shine for me
Genesis 1-3 tells of God's creation and of the fall of man. In the beginning, the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) were all present and in perfect fellowship. God didn't need to create anything for completeness or fulfillment. He chose to create and love man in an entirely selfless act. God chose to fellowship with man. Full understanding of His reasoning for this I'm sure will only be grasped by meeting the Father Himself. Until then, it astounds and comforts me that God didn't need to create anything but chose to do so and then to create man as the steward of His perfect creation. Most of all though, it's astounding that even with perfect beauty, God loves sinful, disobedient, disappointing man most of all. He taught the stars to shine, put the mountains in their place but He reaches down to personally minister to my heart as a loving Father.
Oh how great a Master, Father, Provider, Sustainer, Friend is my Savior!
Fall Background
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
ECBC YSA Halloween Party!
(East Cooper Young Single Adults in case you were wondering haha)
For Halloween, YSA had a potluck and bonfire! The Caldwells were so kind in hosting this gathering for us. They live on beautiful property overlooking the water. The party was mainly outside under the palm trees and stars (which are so much brighter away from city lights!) There were chili and dessert cookoffs as well as a costume contest. I really enjoy the fellowship of these new friends and look forward to getting to know many of them better!
Here are some pictures from the evening.
Myself and Kristina, a sweet new friend I met in membership class. She was a very cute 80's dancer!
It's hard to see in this picture but Aaron had on a Clemson hoodie, hat and pants to be "60 cent" I was a Tiger. (A CLEMSON Tiger of course!) We decided a Clemson alums pic with our costumes was a definite necessity
Clemson Tiger and Clemson Cheerleaders
My wonderful small group :) (most of us...) The guys we asked to take pictures for us decided to have a little fun.... They had multiple cameras and just kept flashing without telling us where to look. Hence, the laughter and everyone looking in different directions.

For Halloween, YSA had a potluck and bonfire! The Caldwells were so kind in hosting this gathering for us. They live on beautiful property overlooking the water. The party was mainly outside under the palm trees and stars (which are so much brighter away from city lights!) There were chili and dessert cookoffs as well as a costume contest. I really enjoy the fellowship of these new friends and look forward to getting to know many of them better!
Here are some pictures from the evening.
My wonderful small group :) (most of us...) The guys we asked to take pictures for us decided to have a little fun.... They had multiple cameras and just kept flashing without telling us where to look. Hence, the laughter and everyone looking in different directions.
Fall Travels- Clemson Pictures!
I really love the fall! No question, my favorite time of year especially in Clemson! The crisp air, leaves changing, the sights and sounds of the holidays just around the corner.
The drive up for my last visit was beautiful! There is such a visible difference between the lowcountry and the upstate. It gives the impression that the leaves are changing as you travel!
After church, I spent some time on and off campus taking some fall pictures. I still love this form of worship: immersed in God's creation, in awe of the beauty of His fingerprints. Here are some my favorites!

The drive up for my last visit was beautiful! There is such a visible difference between the lowcountry and the upstate. It gives the impression that the leaves are changing as you travel!
After church, I spent some time on and off campus taking some fall pictures. I still love this form of worship: immersed in God's creation, in awe of the beauty of His fingerprints. Here are some my favorites!

Fall Travels Pt 3- Clemson
I'm so very blessed to have such amazing people in my life! This trip was full of great "girl time" with so many sweet sisters. I also got to play Ultimate Frisbee for the first time!
The drives home are bittersweet but full of thankfulness to the Lord for His goodness and blessings. I'm so thankful for wonderful college friends that are turning into lifelong friends! It's a great joy to be close enough for these reconnecting trips!
While in Clemson, I had the opportunity to visit Crosspoint Church's new building!

They officially moved in September. I was so excited to get to see it and visit with sweet friends there! God's been blessing this church body so greatly in the last few years. The facility provides for the many needs of the church so well! The sanctuary and meeting spaces fit the church body well and there is plenty of room to expand when its needed as they own the rest of the property. Currently, there are other tenants in the strip who will rent from the church until their leases run out and they can use the space for expansion!
I am always so blessed by the solid theology and powerful worship at Crosspoint. The message that morning was the first in a series on Jonah (definitely worth listening to here!) and the Mission of God. The first message was "Pursued by God: a look at God's Goodness and Probing our Hearts". As I've been seeking the Lord on future plans, hearing of how God called and used Jonah was very thought-provoking. God had a specific call on Jonah's life. (Jonah 1:1-3). He has also promised that He has a plan and purpose for my life (Is 43:1-10, Jer 29:11). Some points that stuck out to me were that God IS speaking. Anything I "receive" that doesn't match God's word is NOT from Him! It's so important to seek the Lord's face and discern through the filter of His word. He has given His children a message to proclaim with a sense of immediacy: God is Holy. All wickedness and evil are against Him and will not stand! (2:12-13). Even though something may seem easy or "fall into place" it may not be according to God's plan. Everything "fell into place" as Jonah fled but God brought him back to Himself to fulfill His good purposes.
2 Tim 4:3-5 Discharge all the duties of the ministry God has given you. This involves speaking the Truth of God especially when it is unpopular. As a child of God, I've been given a responsibility to obediently carry His message. Anything other than full surrender to the will of God is a wasted life. I pray I'd be found obedient to God's word and His will.
The praise band did a song I hadn't heard: Glory to God by Steve Fee. The lyrics have stuck with me so I wanted to share them:
Before the world was made, before you spoke it to be
You were the King of Kings, yeah you were, yeah you were
And now you’re reigning still, Enthroned above all things
Angels and saints cry out, We join them as we sing
Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory to God, Forever (2x’s)
Verse 2:
Creator God you gave me breath so I could praise
Your great and matchless name, all my days, all my days
So let my whole life be a blazing offering
A life that shouts and sings the greatness of the King
Take my life and let it be
All for you and for your glory
Take my life and let it be yours (x2) We sing… (back to chorus)
The drives home are bittersweet but full of thankfulness to the Lord for His goodness and blessings. I'm so thankful for wonderful college friends that are turning into lifelong friends! It's a great joy to be close enough for these reconnecting trips!
While in Clemson, I had the opportunity to visit Crosspoint Church's new building!
They officially moved in September. I was so excited to get to see it and visit with sweet friends there! God's been blessing this church body so greatly in the last few years. The facility provides for the many needs of the church so well! The sanctuary and meeting spaces fit the church body well and there is plenty of room to expand when its needed as they own the rest of the property. Currently, there are other tenants in the strip who will rent from the church until their leases run out and they can use the space for expansion!
I am always so blessed by the solid theology and powerful worship at Crosspoint. The message that morning was the first in a series on Jonah (definitely worth listening to here!) and the Mission of God. The first message was "Pursued by God: a look at God's Goodness and Probing our Hearts". As I've been seeking the Lord on future plans, hearing of how God called and used Jonah was very thought-provoking. God had a specific call on Jonah's life. (Jonah 1:1-3). He has also promised that He has a plan and purpose for my life (Is 43:1-10, Jer 29:11). Some points that stuck out to me were that God IS speaking. Anything I "receive" that doesn't match God's word is NOT from Him! It's so important to seek the Lord's face and discern through the filter of His word. He has given His children a message to proclaim with a sense of immediacy: God is Holy. All wickedness and evil are against Him and will not stand! (2:12-13). Even though something may seem easy or "fall into place" it may not be according to God's plan. Everything "fell into place" as Jonah fled but God brought him back to Himself to fulfill His good purposes.
2 Tim 4:3-5 Discharge all the duties of the ministry God has given you. This involves speaking the Truth of God especially when it is unpopular. As a child of God, I've been given a responsibility to obediently carry His message. Anything other than full surrender to the will of God is a wasted life. I pray I'd be found obedient to God's word and His will.
The praise band did a song I hadn't heard: Glory to God by Steve Fee. The lyrics have stuck with me so I wanted to share them:
Before the world was made, before you spoke it to be
You were the King of Kings, yeah you were, yeah you were
And now you’re reigning still, Enthroned above all things
Angels and saints cry out, We join them as we sing
Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory to God, Forever (2x’s)
Verse 2:
Creator God you gave me breath so I could praise
Your great and matchless name, all my days, all my days
So let my whole life be a blazing offering
A life that shouts and sings the greatness of the King
Take my life and let it be
All for you and for your glory
Take my life and let it be yours (x2) We sing… (back to chorus)
Fall Travels Pt 2- Columbia and Greenville
The second trip was to home sweet Tiger Town!! I went on a non-game weekend to get more time with friends. As always, it was quick but so refreshing! On the way up, I stopped in Columbia and Greenville to visit with friends. Maddie is a sweet sister so incredibly wise beyond her years! It's such a blessing to consider her a dear friend. We started out our visit going for a walk near the lake (yes, Columbia does have some beautiful scenery! I was pleasantly surprised haha) I did get a couple of pictures before the rains started:

Even though our plans got rained out, we still had a great time catching up!
The next stop on my way to the upstate was in Greenville with Stephanie, one of my SummerLink roommates. Steph to me represents one of those friendships you have no question was ordained by God. In various ways, I know all of the friendships God's blessed me with have been. Stephanie and I just share so many similar struggles, questions and wonder of our futures. Even though we really only spent a couple of months together, we pick right up where we left off anytime we're together. I am continually amazed at the speed and strength of her spiritual growth. I know God has great plans for her! I'm greatly looking forward to the continuing growth of our friendship and witnessing the development of these plans. Her friendship is a sweet gift in my life.
Stephanie and I met in Downtown Greenville for dinner and some time walking around main street and the park. One of the things I love most about some of my closest friends is that we can pick up right where we left off if we're separated for any length of time and that we all enjoy just being together. It can be something as simple as going for a long walk to chat. And what better place that beautiful Greenville to soak up some refreshing fall air and conversation over some hot chocolate!
Here are a couple of pictures I took of Falls Park on our walk:

Downtown Greenville is such a unique and fun atmosphere! The park is beautiful and calming, there are several wonderful places to eat and the shops are a lot of fun! One of my favorite shops is Go Fish.

Many of their items are handmade "by indigenous artisans in developing third world countries" such as Uganda, Liberia, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Peru and Mexico. There are so many unique things from jewelry to figurines, clothes, cards and journals with handmade paper. I love the candles! I was actually able to take my mom to visit one of their stores in Norfolk while I was there. I was excited to share this with her. I think, though, my favorite store is still Greenville! Its absolutely worth the trip if you're anywhere nearby!
Even though our plans got rained out, we still had a great time catching up!
The next stop on my way to the upstate was in Greenville with Stephanie, one of my SummerLink roommates. Steph to me represents one of those friendships you have no question was ordained by God. In various ways, I know all of the friendships God's blessed me with have been. Stephanie and I just share so many similar struggles, questions and wonder of our futures. Even though we really only spent a couple of months together, we pick right up where we left off anytime we're together. I am continually amazed at the speed and strength of her spiritual growth. I know God has great plans for her! I'm greatly looking forward to the continuing growth of our friendship and witnessing the development of these plans. Her friendship is a sweet gift in my life.
Stephanie and I met in Downtown Greenville for dinner and some time walking around main street and the park. One of the things I love most about some of my closest friends is that we can pick up right where we left off if we're separated for any length of time and that we all enjoy just being together. It can be something as simple as going for a long walk to chat. And what better place that beautiful Greenville to soak up some refreshing fall air and conversation over some hot chocolate!
Here are a couple of pictures I took of Falls Park on our walk:
Downtown Greenville is such a unique and fun atmosphere! The park is beautiful and calming, there are several wonderful places to eat and the shops are a lot of fun! One of my favorite shops is Go Fish.

Many of their items are handmade "by indigenous artisans in developing third world countries" such as Uganda, Liberia, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Peru and Mexico. There are so many unique things from jewelry to figurines, clothes, cards and journals with handmade paper. I love the candles! I was actually able to take my mom to visit one of their stores in Norfolk while I was there. I was excited to share this with her. I think, though, my favorite store is still Greenville! Its absolutely worth the trip if you're anywhere nearby!
Fall Travels Pt 1-Virginia
It's been such a blessing to travel as much as I have over the last couple of years. I'm really beginning to enjoy these get-a-ways! Most recently, I had the opportunity to visit with family and friends before starting my new job in late Oct/early Nov.
First, I visited my parents in their new house in Virginia! I'm so happy for them as they really seem to be settled where they've desired to be for years! They're minutes from my grandparents and love the area. I stayed about a week and a half so I was grateful to be soaking up so much family time! My aunt and cousin visited while I was there. We all enjoyed accompanying my grandparents to the annual Coast Guard Fish Fry. My grandfather retired as a Captain in the CG. Our family has been attending picnics since I was young.
My youngest cousin, Tyler, and I with our grandparents
Even the ten or so days I was there flew by as they were filled with visiting "old haunts" from the first time we lived there, unpacking and beginning to add all the touches that make it home. I didn't get pictures of the house this trip but I'll be returning for Thanksgiving; one of the first holidays "all together" we'll have had in years! My parents' and grandparents' houses combined will offer more space to bring everyone together mostly from across the state. And of course, me, the "ex-patriot".
First, I visited my parents in their new house in Virginia! I'm so happy for them as they really seem to be settled where they've desired to be for years! They're minutes from my grandparents and love the area. I stayed about a week and a half so I was grateful to be soaking up so much family time! My aunt and cousin visited while I was there. We all enjoyed accompanying my grandparents to the annual Coast Guard Fish Fry. My grandfather retired as a Captain in the CG. Our family has been attending picnics since I was young.
Even the ten or so days I was there flew by as they were filled with visiting "old haunts" from the first time we lived there, unpacking and beginning to add all the touches that make it home. I didn't get pictures of the house this trip but I'll be returning for Thanksgiving; one of the first holidays "all together" we'll have had in years! My parents' and grandparents' houses combined will offer more space to bring everyone together mostly from across the state. And of course, me, the "ex-patriot".
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