Fall Background

Friday, April 3, 2009

Easter Anniversaries.....

In the spring semester last yr, my CP group read "Stop Dating the Church" by Joshua Harris. Looking through some of my notes in the book recently, I found one of my favorite quotes:

"...Sunday is the Lord's day in a special way. Jesus has owned it uniquely ever since that first Easter when He stepped out of the empty tomb. Think of it. On that morning, for the first time, He had conquered death. He atoned for our sin. He had made a way for us to come boldly into the presence of the Father. And every Sunday since has been an anniversary of that amazing morning. The Savior has risen--and everything has changed"!!!

As Easter approaches, its a fresh reminder to me of what that first Easter means to the Christian faith and to me personally. My Savior conquered death, atoned for my sin, and made a way for me to come boldly into the presence of the Holy God!! It's both joyous and convicting.
Do I treat every Sunday as an anniversary of Jesus' resurrection? Or do I go about the day in routine? Do I come boldly, confident that the power that raised my Savior is at work in me? Do I cultivate a humble and willing heart, expecting Him to work through me and obedient to His every leading? Or do I tell Him through my actions that I don't believe He changed everything that day?

In my reading plan, I recently finished Ezra and Nehemiah. I'm currently in Exodus. Some of these passages discuss traditional ceremonies of the people of Israel such as the Feast of Unleavened Bread. They were so careful to follow God's instructions with the feasts and festivals commemorating the Passover and freedom from Egypt. Even though they were, at times, incredibly disobedient, most of their actions did show that they knew their God to be very real. They took seriously the celebrations and remembrances of what He did for them.
Do I live as though I know my God's alive? Do I take seriously the celebration of what He did for me? .... Convicting questions ... But I would have far more to be concerned about if God didn't convict my heart to make me more like His Son.

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