Something that stood out to me relates to the importance of Evangelism. Dr. Coleman said that without Evangelism (which cannot be entirely separated from Discipleship), the church does not exist in future generations. The Master Plan of Evangelism concludes with an also convicting truth: our aim as disciples turned disciplers and evangelists should be that those we disciple would also take on this great responsibility. "The criteria on which a church should measure its success is not how many new names are added to the role nor how much the budget is increased, but rather how many Christians are actively winning souls and training them to win the multitudes."
"Note, it is not enough to rescue the perishing, though this is imperative; nor is it sufficient to build up newborn babes in the faith of Christ, although this, too, is necessary if the firstfruit is to endure; in fact, it is not sufficient to just get them out winning souls, as commendable as this work may be. What really counts in the ultimate perpetuation of our work is the faithfulness
with which our converts go and make leaders out of their converts, not simply more followers."
Even though it is good to share with others and help bring them into a life-changing relationship with Christ, it should not stop here. We should strive to train disciples so that they are equipped and desire to do the same ensuring that the message does not stop but spreads through the nations.
Here are a few pictures of the staff's time together.
We took a few group pictures as its not often we're all able to be together. Annie is now working in Bluffton and a couple of the Clemson staff members are still support raising.

Associate and College Pastor, Jeremy
Ronnie- Worship Leader, Tanner- Music Ministry
Jon- College Ministry
David- Youth Ministry
Matt- College Ministry, Pastoral Assistant
Tracey- Women's Ministry, College Ministry
Ashley- Preschool, Media
Annie- Children's Ministry, Crosspoint Bluffton
Tara- College Ministry
Amy- Mercy Ministry and Children
I'm so thankful for such a wonderful staff team! Each member clearly seeks to serve the Lord out of an overflow of their hearts. I've learned so much from them and I'm greatly looking forward to serving with them.
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