Fall Background

Thursday, November 6, 2008


It doesn't mean the fire wont come, just that you'll be able to stand up against it when it does....

Mom and I went to see FireProof today. This has to be one of the best movies I've seen in awhile! To me, it was a visual depiction of so many things I've been learning about relationships in the last year. Crosspoint has been such an amazing blessing in providing theologically sound counsel on what God-honoring relationships should look like. I've also been blessed to spend time with some of the married women in the church. They and their husbands exemplify these God-honoring relationships. I'm so thankful that the church loves its members enough to make the spiritual health of couples and families a priority.Another great resource that's been a blessing to me recently is a sermon series from Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill church. Peasant Princess has been a blessing of incite into what individuals who desire a God-glorifying relationship should be striving for.
I've heard on a couple of occasions that the characteristics and attributes of a Godly wife and mother arent granted at the end of the aisle or in the delivery room- they must be cultivated over time. So even though the movie is focused on a marriage and the sermon series does mainly address married couples, there is so much so singles to learn as well. Relationship strains are so often caused by some sort of sin or selfishness. God's been so gracious in working on me in this area. My boyfriend, Matt, and I have been learning so much about what it means to glorify God and serve one another in a relationship. Of course, I'm in no way saying we have it figured out! Growing closer to the Lord as we learn together has been such a humbling blessing. I'm looking forward to how He'll continue to grow us as He reveals more of Himself and His plan for our sanctification.

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