Fall Background

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is He Enough?

As I read Jenna's blog and continued to reflect on all that God's been teaching me lately, a passage of Pursuit of Holiness and a Joshua Harris sermon stuck out to me. Continuing with the thought of how Jesus was physically surrounded but emotionally alone and how God sustained His Son through persecution and death, the sermon's theme question of "Is He Enough" seems all too appropriate. Because of God's Grace, Mercy and love for us, we'll never have to endure what Jesus went through for us. But, we will still endure trials and possibly persecution for our faith. So, the question, Is He Enough?
Pastor Harris asks us to consider: where is my focus? Is it on jealousy of others and what I don't have or is it on James 4:8 drawing near to Christ? He also considers Psalm 73. We are the wicked; wearing pride like a necklace and clothed in anger. Our focus needs to be on Christ as our rescuer from a destiny of terror, punishment and destruction.
This is such a brief synopsis of the sermon to illustrate how it ties in to what God's been showing me lately. So much of it was so uplifting and full of truth! You can download the message here. Its definitely worth the time!!
Another truth that stood out to me was one I'd also heard earlier in a Carolyn Mahaney message (funny how God orchestrates repetition...) God is intimately involved in every trial and testing even kindly and lovingly ordering it. Everything that we view as bad or evil against us has been ordained by God for our good and His Glory.
This passage in Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges also stood out to me:
"To experience practical, everyday holiness, we must accept the fact that God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to allow this daily battle with indwelling sin. But God does not leave us to do battle alone. [...] We are not only dead to sin [Rom 6:11 ...] we also are alive to God [...] What is the significance of being alive unto God? How does it help us in our pursuit of holiness? For one thing, it means we are united with Christ in all His power. It is certainly true we cannot live a holy life in our own strength. Christianity is not a do-it-yourself thing."
I all too often forget this. Christ stood alone so we don't have to. God is more than enough to sustain me through trials but he's also given us support to help us through. I'm not in control, I can't do it alone. I do need the loving council and fellowship of brothers and sisters. To be clear, I love fellowship but at times I don't want to let others in on what I'm struggling with. I'd rather deal with struggles and conviction quietly and not admit that I'm not superwoman and I do have weaknesses. This is a tactic of Satan: divide and conquer. We were made for fellowship with God and with other believers. "Christianity is not a do-it-yourself thing" Two passages that have given me comfort in the last year or so definitely come to mind and heart again: Jer 29:11 and Phil 1:6. My Savior has my good at heart. If I'll be faithful to trust Him with everything, He'll be faithful to sustain and provide. In the middle of trials when I feel so alone, I can lean on the promise that He's not through with me yet and He'll never leave my side.

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