God's been so faithful! During the sermon this morning, Pastor Greg pointed out that often while we're in a trial, we don't want fellowship or wise council because we don't want to be where God is. Yet, when we don't forsake meeting with a body of believers and the opportunity to hear sound doctrine, we often find that God provides the encouragement and instruction we need. That happened to me this morning.
As I've mentioned in previous posts, support raising is the most faith stretching experience I've ever been through. Although I have been getting encouragements and confirmations along the way, things haven't been coming together as quickly as I'd hoped. That seems to be the key though....I have my timetable and my plans that all involve me being in control. God's been showing me lately that the best place for my life to be is out of my control. Dreams can be delayed and face obstacles. God's given promises in His Word to help us through these times.
II Cor 4:17-18 Trials are temporary and they produce perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope Rom 5:3-4 As Pastor Greg pointed out, bad days are shorter when you rejoice and learn through them and God will never leave you.
Something else that God really used to speak to me was how we should respond. Two of the important responses are to pray and stay with the ship (referring to Paul's shipwreck in Acts 27) Don't run from what's important (relationships, fellowship, values) and don't run from the lesson or you'll face it again until you learn it. Perhaps one of the most important things to remember though is to expect God to help. His Word is full of promises, truth and encouragement if I'll be faithful to dive in and find them.
On the way home from church I heard Somewhere in the Middle by Casting Crowns
The lyrics seem to summarize the trial of releasing control.
Somewhere between the new and the old
Somewhere between who I am and who I used to be ...
Somewhere between who I was and who You're making me
Somewhere in the middle You'll find me
Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender
Without losing all control
Fearless warriors in a picket fence
Wreckless abandon wrapped in common sense
Deep water faith in the shallow end
We are caught in the middle
With eyes wide open to the differences
The God we want and the God who is
But will we trade our dreams for His
Or are we caught in the middle? ...
Somewhere between my heart and my hands
Somewhere between my faith and my plans
Somewhere between the safety of the boat and the crashing waves
Somewhere between a whisper and a roar
Somewhere between the altar and the door
Somewhere between contented peace and always wanting more
Somewhere in the middle You'll find me...
Lord, I feel You in this place
And I know You're by my side
Loving me even on these nights
When I'm caught in the middle
Fall Background
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Visit to CLEMSON!!
Last weekend, I had the blessing of visiting Clemson to celebrate Matt's birthday with him and some of our friends. It was a great time of fellowship and enjoying being back in TigerTown :)
We had a dinner and game night birthday party with friends. I also got to attend Crosspoint's service and discussion group on Sunday. Pastor Ken has started the series on the book of John. He attended the John class with the interns over the summer to help prepare for the series. It was even more engaging for me to refresh my memory on what I'd learned in the class and see how it is applied during the congregation's study. The weekend was a quick but great visit! It was really wonderful to see so many of my church family- definitely motivation to get back soon!
Part of Matt's birthday included an interview game. I asked his family and one of his oldest friends some questions which the MC (our SummerLINK MC Jason was kind enough to reprise his role!) then asked Matt. There was a good deal of laughter and generally enjoying getting to know the birthday boy a bit better.
Matt and I's adopted mom from the adopt-a-student program at Crosspoint They were so generous in allowing us to have the party at the house
Thank you again!!
Matt and Anna with her great birthday present: a picture cake!
*Thank you Becky for getting the picture to the bakery!!
Lighting the Candles!
We had a dinner and game night birthday party with friends. I also got to attend Crosspoint's service and discussion group on Sunday. Pastor Ken has started the series on the book of John. He attended the John class with the interns over the summer to help prepare for the series. It was even more engaging for me to refresh my memory on what I'd learned in the class and see how it is applied during the congregation's study. The weekend was a quick but great visit! It was really wonderful to see so many of my church family- definitely motivation to get back soon!
Part of Matt's birthday included an interview game. I asked his family and one of his oldest friends some questions which the MC (our SummerLINK MC Jason was kind enough to reprise his role!) then asked Matt. There was a good deal of laughter and generally enjoying getting to know the birthday boy a bit better.

Thank you again!!
*Thank you Becky for getting the picture to the bakery!!
Is He Enough?
As I read Jenna's blog and continued to reflect on all that God's been teaching me lately, a passage of Pursuit of Holiness and a Joshua Harris sermon stuck out to me. Continuing with the thought of how Jesus was physically surrounded but emotionally alone and how God sustained His Son through persecution and death, the sermon's theme question of "Is He Enough" seems all too appropriate. Because of God's Grace, Mercy and love for us, we'll never have to endure what Jesus went through for us. But, we will still endure trials and possibly persecution for our faith. So, the question, Is He Enough?
Pastor Harris asks us to consider: where is my focus? Is it on jealousy of others and what I don't have or is it on James 4:8 drawing near to Christ? He also considers Psalm 73. We are the wicked; wearing pride like a necklace and clothed in anger. Our focus needs to be on Christ as our rescuer from a destiny of terror, punishment and destruction.
This is such a brief synopsis of the sermon to illustrate how it ties in to what God's been showing me lately. So much of it was so uplifting and full of truth! You can download the message here. Its definitely worth the time!!
Another truth that stood out to me was one I'd also heard earlier in a Carolyn Mahaney message (funny how God orchestrates repetition...) God is intimately involved in every trial and testing even kindly and lovingly ordering it. Everything that we view as bad or evil against us has been ordained by God for our good and His Glory.
This passage in Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges also stood out to me:
"To experience practical, everyday holiness, we must accept the fact that God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to allow this daily battle with indwelling sin. But God does not leave us to do battle alone. [...] We are not only dead to sin [Rom 6:11 ...] we also are alive to God [...] What is the significance of being alive unto God? How does it help us in our pursuit of holiness? For one thing, it means we are united with Christ in all His power. It is certainly true we cannot live a holy life in our own strength. Christianity is not a do-it-yourself thing."
I all too often forget this. Christ stood alone so we don't have to. God is more than enough to sustain me through trials but he's also given us support to help us through. I'm not in control, I can't do it alone. I do need the loving council and fellowship of brothers and sisters. To be clear, I love fellowship but at times I don't want to let others in on what I'm struggling with. I'd rather deal with struggles and conviction quietly and not admit that I'm not superwoman and I do have weaknesses. This is a tactic of Satan: divide and conquer. We were made for fellowship with God and with other believers. "Christianity is not a do-it-yourself thing" Two passages that have given me comfort in the last year or so definitely come to mind and heart again: Jer 29:11 and Phil 1:6. My Savior has my good at heart. If I'll be faithful to trust Him with everything, He'll be faithful to sustain and provide. In the middle of trials when I feel so alone, I can lean on the promise that He's not through with me yet and He'll never leave my side.
Pastor Harris asks us to consider: where is my focus? Is it on jealousy of others and what I don't have or is it on James 4:8 drawing near to Christ? He also considers Psalm 73. We are the wicked; wearing pride like a necklace and clothed in anger. Our focus needs to be on Christ as our rescuer from a destiny of terror, punishment and destruction.
This is such a brief synopsis of the sermon to illustrate how it ties in to what God's been showing me lately. So much of it was so uplifting and full of truth! You can download the message here. Its definitely worth the time!!
Another truth that stood out to me was one I'd also heard earlier in a Carolyn Mahaney message (funny how God orchestrates repetition...) God is intimately involved in every trial and testing even kindly and lovingly ordering it. Everything that we view as bad or evil against us has been ordained by God for our good and His Glory.
This passage in Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges also stood out to me:
"To experience practical, everyday holiness, we must accept the fact that God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to allow this daily battle with indwelling sin. But God does not leave us to do battle alone. [...] We are not only dead to sin [Rom 6:11 ...] we also are alive to God [...] What is the significance of being alive unto God? How does it help us in our pursuit of holiness? For one thing, it means we are united with Christ in all His power. It is certainly true we cannot live a holy life in our own strength. Christianity is not a do-it-yourself thing."
I all too often forget this. Christ stood alone so we don't have to. God is more than enough to sustain me through trials but he's also given us support to help us through. I'm not in control, I can't do it alone. I do need the loving council and fellowship of brothers and sisters. To be clear, I love fellowship but at times I don't want to let others in on what I'm struggling with. I'd rather deal with struggles and conviction quietly and not admit that I'm not superwoman and I do have weaknesses. This is a tactic of Satan: divide and conquer. We were made for fellowship with God and with other believers. "Christianity is not a do-it-yourself thing" Two passages that have given me comfort in the last year or so definitely come to mind and heart again: Jer 29:11 and Phil 1:6. My Savior has my good at heart. If I'll be faithful to trust Him with everything, He'll be faithful to sustain and provide. In the middle of trials when I feel so alone, I can lean on the promise that He's not through with me yet and He'll never leave my side.
Leading the Way
I recently finished reading Humility by CJ Mahaney. I'm so thankful for this time I've been able to focus so much attention on what God wants to teach me. He's been speaking so much through books, sermons, friends and of course His Word. As I reflect on what I've read, things He's shown me from other sources all seem to tie together reinforcing what He's trying to teach me.
A blog my friend Jenna posted reflected on what God's teaching her. It seemed to echo something that stuck out to me in Humility. After reading this paragraph in her blog, I referred back to a page that had particularly drawn my attention.
(Daniel) "Akin goes into detail about what Jesus' persecution was like. As I (Jenna) reflect on Luke 22:39-23:49, I really cannot imagine the anguish Jesus must have felt as he sweat drops of blood. Man, my trials are nothing compared to Jesus having His disciples fall asleep before the very day He would be crucified. Moments when we feel we have been mistreated or misunderstood are nothing in comparison to the mocking Christ received on the cross. How Jesus must have longed to get down from the cross and prove He truly is the All Powerful King. Yet He remained on the cross as a sheep being led to the slaughter for your sin and mine! How amazing is it that those who are in Christ, those who have surrendered control of their lives to Him, are now declared justified in God's sight? Praise the Lord that this justification is apart from the law through faith in Christ by GRACE! ("We know that no one is justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ" -Gal 2:16). We no longer have to work to earn God's favor or hope that we will somehow make it to heaven!"
This is the passage from Humility:
"In Mark 10 we find Jesus and His disciples on the road, going up to Jerusalem. This is the last journey of Jesus' ministry, and the final destination is in full view. The hour for which He ultimately came now approaches. The cross is on the horizon.
This long journey to Jerusalem and the cross will apparently be a lonely one for the Savior, for He's making it without the full understanding and support of His disciples. They continue to be blinded by selfish ambition, so He must continue to teach and instruct them and confront their arrogance.
And yet, however grieved His heart must surely be at this moment, we see Him 'walking ahead of them' (v 32). No one is prodding Him on; no one is forcing Him. He's leading the way. And the One leading the way is the only One in this group of travelers who's aware of what indescribable anguish awaits Him there.
Pause, if you will, and picture Him in your mind. Behold this lone figure out in front, fully aware and informed of what awaits Him in Jerusalem. See Him steadfast in heart, determined, setting the pace for His disciples, striding purposely forward.
Where? To Jerusalem. Why? To die."
Jesus was alone. His disciples were with Him but He may as well have been completely alone. They didn't and couldn't understand. Anytime Satan tempts me to believe that I'm completely alone and should just give up, this is what my mind should return to. What Jesus went through was so much worse than I could even imagine (or want to...). He followed the will of the Father, knowing what it meant, fully understanding the cost. What a weight He must have felt! He had no one to turn to but the Father. That's how it should be with me. As Jenna mentioned, my trials pale in comparison....Christ went through this willingly, obediently, with no human source of comfort. Yet, God was enough to sustain Jesus through the worst of all human trials and suffering.
A blog my friend Jenna posted reflected on what God's teaching her. It seemed to echo something that stuck out to me in Humility. After reading this paragraph in her blog, I referred back to a page that had particularly drawn my attention.
(Daniel) "Akin goes into detail about what Jesus' persecution was like. As I (Jenna) reflect on Luke 22:39-23:49, I really cannot imagine the anguish Jesus must have felt as he sweat drops of blood. Man, my trials are nothing compared to Jesus having His disciples fall asleep before the very day He would be crucified. Moments when we feel we have been mistreated or misunderstood are nothing in comparison to the mocking Christ received on the cross. How Jesus must have longed to get down from the cross and prove He truly is the All Powerful King. Yet He remained on the cross as a sheep being led to the slaughter for your sin and mine! How amazing is it that those who are in Christ, those who have surrendered control of their lives to Him, are now declared justified in God's sight? Praise the Lord that this justification is apart from the law through faith in Christ by GRACE! ("We know that no one is justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ" -Gal 2:16). We no longer have to work to earn God's favor or hope that we will somehow make it to heaven!"
This is the passage from Humility:
"In Mark 10 we find Jesus and His disciples on the road, going up to Jerusalem. This is the last journey of Jesus' ministry, and the final destination is in full view. The hour for which He ultimately came now approaches. The cross is on the horizon.
This long journey to Jerusalem and the cross will apparently be a lonely one for the Savior, for He's making it without the full understanding and support of His disciples. They continue to be blinded by selfish ambition, so He must continue to teach and instruct them and confront their arrogance.
And yet, however grieved His heart must surely be at this moment, we see Him 'walking ahead of them' (v 32). No one is prodding Him on; no one is forcing Him. He's leading the way. And the One leading the way is the only One in this group of travelers who's aware of what indescribable anguish awaits Him there.
Pause, if you will, and picture Him in your mind. Behold this lone figure out in front, fully aware and informed of what awaits Him in Jerusalem. See Him steadfast in heart, determined, setting the pace for His disciples, striding purposely forward.
Where? To Jerusalem. Why? To die."
Jesus was alone. His disciples were with Him but He may as well have been completely alone. They didn't and couldn't understand. Anytime Satan tempts me to believe that I'm completely alone and should just give up, this is what my mind should return to. What Jesus went through was so much worse than I could even imagine (or want to...). He followed the will of the Father, knowing what it meant, fully understanding the cost. What a weight He must have felt! He had no one to turn to but the Father. That's how it should be with me. As Jenna mentioned, my trials pale in comparison....Christ went through this willingly, obediently, with no human source of comfort. Yet, God was enough to sustain Jesus through the worst of all human trials and suffering.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Way I Was Made
Lately, I've been taking walks around the neighborhood to get some fresh air, exercise and some extra time with the Lord. I usually listen to sermons on my ipod. (Ladies, if you haven't heard Carolyn Mahaney's messages on Sovereign Grace Ministries' website I'd HIGHLY recommend it!) Today, though, I listened to some music. "The Way I Was Made" by Chris Tomlin has been one of my favorite songs since I first heard the album. Its even my ringtone right now. As I listened to it today though I couldn't help noticing that it really fits my heart cry. God's been teaching me a lot about who He is, full trust and dependence on Him and living a life on fire for His Glory. He's been convicting me of the areas of my life He wants control of to mold me into the image of His Son. Although at times this stretching and trying of my faith has been difficult, I've loved the effect of seeing more of God's heart for me.
I was made to glorify God, I was made to worship and praise Him, I was made to seek Him and follow His will for my life. I'm a daughter of the King. I want to live like I have both a great inheritance and a great responsibility. I want to be "the way I was made"......
Caught in the half-light
I'm caught alone
Waking up to the sunrise
And the radio
Feels like I'm tied up
What's holding me?
Just praying today will be the day
I go free
I want to live like there's no tomorrow
I want to dance like no one's around
I want to sing like nobody's listening
Before I lay my body down
I want to give like I have plenty
I want to love like I'm not afraid
I want to be the man I was meant to be
I want to be the way I was made
Made in your likeness
Made with your hands
Made to discover who you are
And who I am
All I've forgotten, help me to find
All that you've promised let it be
In my life
I want to be the way I was made
I want to be the way I was made
I want to be the way I was made
~C. Tomlin
I was made to glorify God, I was made to worship and praise Him, I was made to seek Him and follow His will for my life. I'm a daughter of the King. I want to live like I have both a great inheritance and a great responsibility. I want to be "the way I was made"......
Caught in the half-light
I'm caught alone
Waking up to the sunrise
And the radio
Feels like I'm tied up
What's holding me?
Just praying today will be the day
I go free
I want to live like there's no tomorrow
I want to dance like no one's around
I want to sing like nobody's listening
Before I lay my body down
I want to give like I have plenty
I want to love like I'm not afraid
I want to be the man I was meant to be
I want to be the way I was made
Made in your likeness
Made with your hands
Made to discover who you are
And who I am
All I've forgotten, help me to find
All that you've promised let it be
In my life
I want to be the way I was made
I want to be the way I was made
I want to be the way I was made
~C. Tomlin
Friday, September 12, 2008
F.R.O.G (Fully Rely on God)
Jenna, one of the SummerLINKers, is currently studying abroad in London. I really related to a recent post on her blog. God must sometimes take us away from whats comfortable to force us to fully rely on Him for everything including comfort and feelings of security. I've been experiencing this in this season of separation from my church family.
While away from the spiritual support I've become accustomed to, Satan's attacks of discouragement seem harder to defend against. Though, my great and loving Father hasn't left me to fight this alone! I've found that the best part of this difficult situation is that I've been experiencing greater intimacy with my Savior. He's been teaching me so much through drawing me ever closer to Him! As I've sought Him, He's met me where I am and lifted me up reminding me that He never leaves nor forsakes.
A great source of this encouragement has been some good reading material including books and blogs. A blog I read recently focused on some of the things that we let drowned out God's voice and make it difficult to hear Him. One thing that stuck with me most was technology. I started thinking about how much time I spend on the computer, watching tv (even if its just on in the background, its noise!), or otherwise avoiding silence. So for the past few days I've been trying my best to focus less on some aspects of technology. I've done a lot more journaling and have had some great experiences just talking with God. I've felt free to lay baggage at the foot of the cross and fill my mind and heart with His promises to me.
A couple of years ago, God taught me a lot about silence before Him- ceasing to strive (Ps 46:10-11) and laying cares, fears, and needs at the foot of the cross. Especially in worship I would get distracted pouring out to Him everything I needed or wanted Him to know (which was necessary but I would neglect to take time to just dwell on Him- to be calm and at rest in His presence) The blog was a reminder that I must still recognize when it's necessary to just be still. So many things in our world today scream for my attention while in the process, stealing it from the One who deserves it most.
While away from the spiritual support I've become accustomed to, Satan's attacks of discouragement seem harder to defend against. Though, my great and loving Father hasn't left me to fight this alone! I've found that the best part of this difficult situation is that I've been experiencing greater intimacy with my Savior. He's been teaching me so much through drawing me ever closer to Him! As I've sought Him, He's met me where I am and lifted me up reminding me that He never leaves nor forsakes.
A great source of this encouragement has been some good reading material including books and blogs. A blog I read recently focused on some of the things that we let drowned out God's voice and make it difficult to hear Him. One thing that stuck with me most was technology. I started thinking about how much time I spend on the computer, watching tv (even if its just on in the background, its noise!), or otherwise avoiding silence. So for the past few days I've been trying my best to focus less on some aspects of technology. I've done a lot more journaling and have had some great experiences just talking with God. I've felt free to lay baggage at the foot of the cross and fill my mind and heart with His promises to me.
A couple of years ago, God taught me a lot about silence before Him- ceasing to strive (Ps 46:10-11) and laying cares, fears, and needs at the foot of the cross. Especially in worship I would get distracted pouring out to Him everything I needed or wanted Him to know (which was necessary but I would neglect to take time to just dwell on Him- to be calm and at rest in His presence) The blog was a reminder that I must still recognize when it's necessary to just be still. So many things in our world today scream for my attention while in the process, stealing it from the One who deserves it most.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Just get out of God's way...
Amidst some stress and nervousness of support raising, God's been teaching me so much! I can really see that He has me where I am now (even down to geographically) in my life because there's no other way for Him to show me what He wants to grow me in and have me really see why its so necessary.
The title of this blog came from a friend's facebook status. It read: "(friend) is insignificant...Just get out of God's way...." This really struck me in light of all God's been showing me lately. I'm a control freak by nature. I especially like knowing what the plan is at all times. Not exactly the norm with support raising. This is the most my trust in the Lord has ever been tried and stretched. I'm thankful for it though knowing all I've already learned and seeing that God's got so much more planned based on what He's done so far. There is of course part of human nature that shies from the Master's reproof. No one really wants to come to confrontation with sin and the disappointment and grief it causes God. Though without pruning, without continual exposure to refining fire, how can we ever hope to be molded into the image of Christ?
So many things I've been reading and listening to lately seem to tie together this theme. A sermon my pastor gave a couple of years ago entitled "Breaking the Press! God's Wisdom for Testing Times from James 1:1-8, 12, discussed the certainty and necessity of trials. A faith not tried is suspect as God uses trials to show that He is Sovereign and desires to conform us to the image of His Son. John chapter 15 comments on this through Jesus' teaching on the vine and the branches. Only branches God prunes will bear more fruit.
At the moment, I'm reading The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges and just started Humility by CJ Mahaney. Both are very convicting in their portrayal of sin. Sin grieves a holy, blameless and loving God-- period! Not having humility definitely hinders if not halts the pursuit of holilness. I'm looking forward to what God will teach me through these works. They were both given to me by wonderful sisters I've been blessed with.
This morning, the sermon was on being great at whatever God's called you to do instead of mediocre in a lot of things. A couple of the closing points were particularly thought-provoking: We are to work for an audience of One and invest in things that will last (affecting someone beyond my years doing so knowing the Lord may be the only-yet most important-One who ever knows....)
To tie all this in.... there are multiple ways to stand in God's way possibly without even realizing it: resistance to pruning, pride (absence of humility), letting fear hold you back from what you know God's called you to, fear of man/people-pleasing, taking control that should only belong to the One who holds the master plan...all of which are dangerous to your spiritual life.
One of the closing songs today was "Be Thou My Vision" (one of the ways I still hear God speak most is through music :) ) I thought it was also an appropriate way to wrap up this blog
Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart
Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best thought by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light
Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord
Thou my great Father and I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one
Riches I need not, nor man's empty praise
Thou mine inheritance now and always
Thou and Thou only first in my heart
High king of heaven my treasure Thou art
Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart
Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best thought by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light
High king of heaven, my victory won
May I reach heaven's joy, bright heaven sun
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall
Still be my vision, oh ruler of all
Still be my vision, oh ruler of all
The title of this blog came from a friend's facebook status. It read: "(friend) is insignificant...Just get out of God's way...." This really struck me in light of all God's been showing me lately. I'm a control freak by nature. I especially like knowing what the plan is at all times. Not exactly the norm with support raising. This is the most my trust in the Lord has ever been tried and stretched. I'm thankful for it though knowing all I've already learned and seeing that God's got so much more planned based on what He's done so far. There is of course part of human nature that shies from the Master's reproof. No one really wants to come to confrontation with sin and the disappointment and grief it causes God. Though without pruning, without continual exposure to refining fire, how can we ever hope to be molded into the image of Christ?
So many things I've been reading and listening to lately seem to tie together this theme. A sermon my pastor gave a couple of years ago entitled "Breaking the Press! God's Wisdom for Testing Times from James 1:1-8, 12, discussed the certainty and necessity of trials. A faith not tried is suspect as God uses trials to show that He is Sovereign and desires to conform us to the image of His Son. John chapter 15 comments on this through Jesus' teaching on the vine and the branches. Only branches God prunes will bear more fruit.
At the moment, I'm reading The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges and just started Humility by CJ Mahaney. Both are very convicting in their portrayal of sin. Sin grieves a holy, blameless and loving God-- period! Not having humility definitely hinders if not halts the pursuit of holilness. I'm looking forward to what God will teach me through these works. They were both given to me by wonderful sisters I've been blessed with.
This morning, the sermon was on being great at whatever God's called you to do instead of mediocre in a lot of things. A couple of the closing points were particularly thought-provoking: We are to work for an audience of One and invest in things that will last (affecting someone beyond my years doing so knowing the Lord may be the only-yet most important-One who ever knows....)
To tie all this in.... there are multiple ways to stand in God's way possibly without even realizing it: resistance to pruning, pride (absence of humility), letting fear hold you back from what you know God's called you to, fear of man/people-pleasing, taking control that should only belong to the One who holds the master plan...all of which are dangerous to your spiritual life.
One of the closing songs today was "Be Thou My Vision" (one of the ways I still hear God speak most is through music :) ) I thought it was also an appropriate way to wrap up this blog
Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart
Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best thought by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light
Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord
Thou my great Father and I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one
Riches I need not, nor man's empty praise
Thou mine inheritance now and always
Thou and Thou only first in my heart
High king of heaven my treasure Thou art
Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart
Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best thought by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light
High king of heaven, my victory won
May I reach heaven's joy, bright heaven sun
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall
Still be my vision, oh ruler of all
Still be my vision, oh ruler of all
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