Fall Background

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Just wanted to post a quick update. Overall, things have been fairly quiet at home. I've begun support raising so I've been sending letters, making phone calls and praying as God begins to pull things together. Please be praying for me during this process as it will definitely be an experience that will stretch my faith. I'm excited though to see God work and provide.
For those who have heard about the tornado in Clemson, I wanted to let you know that thankfully there have been no injuries. God was definitely protecting the campus and community. The storm took out some trees and did damage a few cars on campus but students were alerted and sought shelter in the buildings (brick buildings with basements: beauty and function :) ) A family and some of the staff of the church live in the neighborhood downtown that the tornado passed right through. Other than losing power for a few hours and some debris in the backyards, both houses are fine. One of the neighbors houses lost a back deck and cars to trees falling on them. The husband was even in the suburban when a tree fell on the passenger side! Definitely evidence that God was protecting Clemson! Despite having to go about regular activities in the midst of downpours, most are actually thankful for the rain. Especially as there are a few more weeks of summer weather left and the rain will hopefully bring up the water level in the lake!
I spoke with one of the staff girls this morning and she gave me some great encouragement from Crosspoint. There was a record turnout at church on Sunday (800 people! last year about this time they were seeing around 500) First week events have also had great turnouts and CP groups (small groups) are getting started with a great deal of excitement from everyone. Both womens and college ministries have new leadership teams that will help provide planning, prayer and labor to these needed resources in our church body. Our women's ministry will start this semesters bible study next month.
I cant wait to get back and get to work serving with our amazing staff team in these great ministries!! I'm praying for dilligence in this time of support raising to be intentional about getting back as soon as possible. I don't want to miss any more of what Gods doing at Crosspoint!

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