The evening began with the social team organizing the group into cars and driving us to our departure point on the island. We had a 45 min ferry ride to Daufuski Island. The weather that day was great so the ride was smooth and the views were beautiful. We could see the Hilton Head lighthouse and beautiful homes on the shoreline along the way.
We were blessed to be joined for the evening by Gray and Brandy, the connections pastor of Crosspoint Bluffton and his wife. They are a wonderful Godly couple and have been such a blessing and encouragement to observe, learn from and fellowship with this summer. It was great to have an evening with them to thank them for all they've done for us and to enjoy their company as we prepared to depart.
We were met at the pier by a Trolley that took us to the Inn Our first views of the island were peaceful: tree-lined roads and very few cars. The Inn is elegant and quiet which set the tone for an evening of reflection but also one of thanksgiving-for each other and for the opportunity to spend the summer in such a "spiritual greenhouse" nurtured by teaching and fellowship.
Dinner was followed by the banquet ceremony. Banquet was somewhat of a combination of the various activities of SummerLINK: a time of sharing (as we would during prayer and praise), reflection (as on reflection nights only corporately instead of individually), and a game all led by our Celebration MC (as on celebration nights).
The share time was definitely the most memorable part of the evening. Several of the SummerLINKers shared about what the summer had meant to them and how God had used it to grow them. It was so encouraging to hear what God has been doing and see that He has great plans for the team and His church as a whole. During deorientation and at the banquet, we were reminded that God has been growing and using other members of the church body who were not with us this summer. It will be so exciting to go back to Clemson and see the various parts of the body reunited having been individually strengthened. In multiple conversations this summer, its been commented that Clemson is a training ground that God is using to reach the campus, community and the nations. I feel so blessed to be part of what God is doing.
Another aspect of banquet that was very memorable was when Gray asked us all to stand and give a favorite memory of the summer before we sat down. There was a good deal of laughter and agreement as we each shared things we appreciated about SummerLINK. After we finished, Gray pointed out that the theme of those memories was relationships and encouraged us to be intentional in building and maintaining relationships both with fellow believers and in ministering to nonbelievers. Those moments have stayed with me. I dont think I'll soon forget sitting in the banquet room with the group that God used to grow and humble me so much. Listening to testimonies of growth and thankfulness to our awesome God, I could clearly see He has great plans for such willing servants and I'm so excited to be witness to what He'll do!
Thank you to my brothers and sisters I've learned so much from each of you and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to count you as friends.
I Thess 5:23-24 Let this be a summer that truly echoes into eternity!
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