Fall Background

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What A Week!!

hey everyone!
Its hard to believe tomorrow marks a week since we arrived. In some ways it feels like we've been here longer because of all we've done in such a short time. The time has truly flown though. After orientation, we began either job searching or first days of work. As of now, most of us either have jobs or job offers. I've spent the last couple of days in my job: a Crosspoint Bluffton summer intern helping to plan for and host volunteer teams as they participate in service and outreach opportunities. I'm really enjoying learning more about Crosspoint Blufftons vision for their young church as they prepare for their launch and are already beginning to lay groundwork for shepherding other young church plants. Gods doing great things through the Bluffton and SummerLINK teams. He's really been providing in so many ways. Praise God financial and job needs are being met and our group is really bonding. Sunday was our first opportunity to serve together. After church and baptism on the beach, we had neighborhood canvassing to publicize for this weekends preview service. (Please remember this event in prayer It will be the 2nd of 5 for the summer and one of a few carefully planned and prayed over opportunities for the church plant to grow and build a congregation) On Monday, we began the routine of weekly evening activities. Monday evenings will be Celebration, a time for SummerLINK to eat, fellowship, worship and hear from the Word together. I'm on the committee that plans the activities for this part of SummerLINK so its been exciting to help with this and see how Gods using it to bring us closer as a team. Tuesday nights are Bible Studies. Each apartment meets together with a leader on the staff team and we'll all individually meet with our leader during the week. Wednesdays are reflection nights. Its a time to digest what we've learned throughout the week and spend time allowing God to show us how we should apply it personally. Thursday nights are gender nights so the ladies will spend those evenings in a mix of digging into the Word together as well as fellowship activities. Friday nights are tentatively set to be free evenings. Saturday evenings are social nights. The group will gather for fellowship events and some good downtime to just be together. Sundays we'll have prayer and praise before beginning another work week.
Overall, I'm settling in well and already seeing God work in my life and heart to teach me so much about Him and what He wants to do in my life. I'm looking forward to the summer as it unfolds and I see my God more for who He is as a loving Father who desires to make me more like Him. Oh the great joy in knowing Gods in control and any trials we must endure to be molded in His image are well worth it considering such a beautiful outcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're having such a good time and enjoying Bluffton so much. I'm hoping I can some dates together soon for visiting Victoria and when I do I will try to come see you on my way there or back or something. Can't wait! Hugs:)