Fall Background

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Quotes from the Cube Farm 2

Days at the office continue to be filled with the usual busyness that characterizes everyone's work load.... Thankfully, I'm still surrounded by some of the most light-hearted, down-to-earth people I've had the pleasure of knowing. Its certainly puts things into perspective when you spend a few minutes calling a co-worker (in another building) to tell them to come get the last doughnut someone brought in because their Facebook status that morning said they wanted one... (yes, it happened...HA!)

Coworker "C": Hah, not guilty
Me: Just this once
"C" and only once I wont make it a habit
Me: Exactly You used your one free card for the year
"C" haha doh
Me: You're taking over for "Coworker B" as office mischief maker Everything is now your fault
"C": and working hard at it
Coworker "B": Dont worry, I'll make regular visits to keep them on their toes. I'm harder to handle when I come in large random bursts

Coworker "T": They are going to lump some newbies under me, I will train them
Me: Oh dear... they're going to let you mold fresh, young minds....
"T": yes
Me: Should I preorder the damage control? :P
"T": please Psychiatric Health
Me: with some counseling....just in case...might be traumatized
"T": exactly

"J"'s favorite phrase: Is it Tracey's fault?
Me: I take no responsibility for anything...ever!
"J": She's learning too quickly!
Yes, my upbringing by one of your fellow "geeks" has taught me well. To (a few of my coworkers): I've been trained well. Underestimation could prove dangerous! (The fun-sized one is on my team!)
"J" Be careful, you know what they say..... "once you go geek, you don't go back" .... You are running dangerously close to full geekdom, it's expensive and you must spend lots of time in Best Buy and computer related websites hunting for toys.

My cube-mate:
I'm not surprised you know the back route (into the cafeteria) We just rigged a golf cart!
She's (me) now proved herself as the MacGyver of the office!!
(In our defense....someone forgot to return the key!....so we might have improvised...with a house key.... 0:) )

My cube-mate: I'm part of the team now
Coworker "K": Til death do us part
cube-mate: Or until the contract funds run out...

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