Fall Background

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Be careful what you pray for....encountering God's power

I'm in a season of finding out more about God and His power.... His power over pain, His power over the future, His power as protector, friend and Father. Its a trying season that's left me drained and, most of the time, at a loss for words.
God is stripping me of fears, of my plans, of my reliance on myself... (be careful what you pray for! He answers!!!) I can see how He's answered prayer, just in ways that may not have been my first choice... I'm seeing him strip out the selfishness I add into the desires He places on my heart. (subconsciously saying: "sure God, that's a great desire, but lets add this to give me something out of it") This leaves me with the choice of turning away in a frustrated, childish hissy fit or turning to my God in surrender. I'm sure anyone can guess which I'm prone to!
He's SO faithful. Even when I'm crying out that I'm angry, hurt and confused, He sends little gifts of grace to remind me that He loves me and that He's the gardener, pruning diseased branches to make me stronger. One sweet gift of grace came in the form of a surprise visit from a sister who lives a couple of hours away. Just when I needed to be prayed over and hear truth, she was literally waiting for me when I got home from work. She reminded me that God sympathizes with every hurt, every emotion, every tear, EVERYTHING. He loves me as a daddy. An example I heard recently from a new mom: Even as the child is giving a parent a look of betrayal and hurt, the parent must allow them to get immunizations. I, as God's daughter, so often look at Him as being responsible for my pain. What I forget is that He knows what's on the other side. He knows whats best for me. He allows the pain knowing His arms are ready and waiting for me to crawl into them.
Although, sometimes retrospectively, I can see God's hand in each situation, each test, each leap of faith. Finding Him is becoming easier. He's blessed me with an amazing, sustaining peace over some of the more confusing situations and He's opening my eyes to find Him when, at first, I cant see how something could possibly turn out for the best. Though, my idea of "the best" isn't God's. His is better! As a sister recently reminded me, this life, this commitment to take up my cross and follow Jesus isn't for my glory; its for God's. Our obedience leads to God's glory which brings us joy! This walk does involve sorrows and trial but I don't have to carry the burdens that seem to be mounting! He allows trials but He does desire that I have His joy!

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