Fall Background

Monday, October 20, 2008

Prayer Requests

Hi everyone :) 
As many family and friends use this site as a medium to keep up with whats going on and how they can be praying for me, I wanted to share a couple of requests: 

My grandmother is currently in the hospital after being admitted over a week ago with difficulty breathing and a lung infection. She has made some encouraging progress as she no longer has a breathing tube and they're preparing to release her after a procedure in the next couple of days. What you can be praying for is that there are a couple of highly blocked arteries to her heart (one 90 and the other 100) The doctors do not consider it wise to operate mainly due to her age. What they have elected to do is insert a Stent to hopefully relieve some of the blockage in the more open artery. My parents are currently there with my grandfather to help out when she comes home from the hospital. I'll be traveling to join them in the coming days. Please pray for safe travel for everyone as my family prepares to gather to support her recovery. 

The other request is about support raising. Although God has been so faithful to use this time to grow me and pursue my heart so passionately, I am also a bit discouraged at the slow pace of the process. I really long to be back at Crosspoint diving in to the ministry there. I know God's timing is perfect and He will reveal his plan as He deems me ready to carry it out. I'm praying that I'd be receptive and willing in any way He directs. I still feel at peace with this path I'm just unsure as to how it will all come together. Please pray for the provision of contacts who would be excited to hear of what God's doing at Crosspoint and to help me make other contacts who would do the same. 
I know my faith is being stretched and my God is always in control. It is still difficult though to press on when at times it feels that the place of my calling and where my heart is is so far out of reach.  It reminds me of the Christian life. How often do we get homesick in this temporary place? We are not meant to be comfortable here. We're made to long for more. I pray I'd be dilligent to seek God's heart on what He wants to teach me and how He wants me to grow during this time not missing anything He has for me. Though too, I pray I wouldn't be satisfied. Instead, always giving my best, preparing to be where He's called me: Clemson and ultimately Heaven. 

Thank you so much for your prayers! They are so desperately needed and appreciated!

1 comment:

Emily said...

tracey thank you for your wonderful encouragement to me! i am also so excited for the time when you can be back here and we can have those wonderful talks and prayer times again. i am so thankful for what God's doing in both of our lives through different circumstances and experiences. i know its hard to wait on the Lord but its so awesome that you are realizing that it is all part of the process of your sanctification and you are continuing to learn to trust in Him. I will be praying for your support raising and your grandmother. I love you and can't wait to see you again! Keep growing as the amazing woman of God that you are.