December 18 was the wedding day of my sweet friend, Becky. I have seen the Lord work so mightily in her life in last few years. Despite great challenge, she has stood firm in the faith. Her wedding day was a celebration of a marriage covenant clearly ordained by God. Watching the development of their relationship has been a great encouragement to me. It was a blessing to be able to take part in the celebration of His faithfulness to use both of their lives to His Glory!
Fall Background
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster
December 18 was the wedding day of my sweet friend, Becky. I have seen the Lord work so mightily in her life in last few years. Despite great challenge, she has stood firm in the faith. Her wedding day was a celebration of a marriage covenant clearly ordained by God. Watching the development of their relationship has been a great encouragement to me. It was a blessing to be able to take part in the celebration of His faithfulness to use both of their lives to His Glory!
The Greatest Present is His Presence
As the Denton's wedding was on a Saturday evening, I was able to stay the night to catch up with friends and attend Crosspoint in the morning. God has greatly used Crosspoint in my life for several years now. He continues to do so despite my having moved away. I have been able to attend a service in the Christmas series for the past couple of years and very much enjoyed these. I really love Christmas so reminders of its true meaning are always a joy.
As I've found to be a repeated blessing of visits "home", God had laid a message on Pastor Ken's heart that, by the end, I thought should have begun with: "Dear T," and ended with: "I love you, God". The message is posted at Crosspoint's website, Dec 12, "Visions of One to Come-Messiah King" referencing Isaiah 7:10-17. Definitely worth the time to listen!
In the time of Isaiah's prophecy of a coming Messiah, hearts were shaking from fear of an impending invasion. (7:1-2) This made the promise of a coming Savior all the more an answer to the prayers of a desperate people. Into shaking hearts, God spoke! He spoke a comforting word (v 4-9) and a confirming sign (v 10-14).
Pastor Ken asked three questions in application of the sermon:
1. Who are you trusting in? Idols? yourself? unfaithful leaders? human strategies of self-rescue?
2. Why should we trust in God? (Is 7:7-9, 15-17; 40:21-24)
He is the great judge, holy ruler, the only one who can bring deliverance
There are consequences for not trusting God (Is 30:15-17)
3. How do we fight fear?
1. Fight fear with FAITH (Is 7:9; 26:3-4)
2. Fight fear with the FEAR OF GOD (Is 8:12-13)
3. Fight fear with the WORD OF GOD (Is 41:10, 13-14)
4. Fight fear with PRAYER (Is 37: 16-20)
5. Fight fear with GOD'S SON (Matt 1:23, 28:20; Heb 13:5)
We need a King we can trust and depend on (Is 9:6)
We need a Savior who will save us from our sins (Is 53)
We need an Anointed Preacher who speaks to us the gospel (Is 61)
We need One who will vindicate us from our enemies (Is 63)
His name is Jesus and we celebrate His birth today
Thank you Lord for the greatest present ever given to humanity!
In the time of Isaiah's prophecy of a coming Messiah, hearts were shaking from fear of an impending invasion. (7:1-2) This made the promise of a coming Savior all the more an answer to the prayers of a desperate people. Into shaking hearts, God spoke! He spoke a comforting word (v 4-9) and a confirming sign (v 10-14).
Pastor Ken asked three questions in application of the sermon:
1. Who are you trusting in? Idols? yourself? unfaithful leaders? human strategies of self-rescue?
2. Why should we trust in God? (Is 7:7-9, 15-17; 40:21-24)
He is the great judge, holy ruler, the only one who can bring deliverance
There are consequences for not trusting God (Is 30:15-17)
3. How do we fight fear?
1. Fight fear with FAITH (Is 7:9; 26:3-4)
2. Fight fear with the FEAR OF GOD (Is 8:12-13)
3. Fight fear with the WORD OF GOD (Is 41:10, 13-14)
4. Fight fear with PRAYER (Is 37: 16-20)
5. Fight fear with GOD'S SON (Matt 1:23, 28:20; Heb 13:5)
We need a King we can trust and depend on (Is 9:6)
We need a Savior who will save us from our sins (Is 53)
We need an Anointed Preacher who speaks to us the gospel (Is 61)
We need One who will vindicate us from our enemies (Is 63)
His name is Jesus and we celebrate His birth today
Thank you Lord for the greatest present ever given to humanity!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Denton
On December 11, I had the privilage to join Clemson friends and the Crosspoint Church family in celebrating the marriage of Matt and Tara. Tara discipled me my senior year of college. As she poured into me and counceled me through a challenging season of my life, I observed her in her relationships and servanthood. She is truly a beautiful woman of God, inside and out. At the wedding, we were able to write a message to the couple. I wrote to Matt that it should come as no surprise that he has an amazing woman. I added an encouragement to keep her laughing and love her well. Having known Matt at Clemson as well and getting to know him more on summer project, I have no doubt that he will live up to his role as a husband, exemplifying Biblical manhood.
Above: Sweet Aliece! Below: Emily and I with the Bride!!!!
It was so much fun to get some girl time with Em and Aliece after the wedding! Love and miss you both!
As with so many trips "home to Tiger Town", I left refreshed and encouraged. The wedding, reception and church the next day provided wonderful opportunities for fellowship. I was also able to stop in Anderson and Greenville to visit with Katie, a friend from college and Stephanie, a Summerlink roommate. It's always a blessing to catch up with brothers and sisters I am thankful to consider sweet friends.

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