The past month has flown by! I arrived in Atlanta for Passion on January 2nd and left on the 5th. It was such a blessing to get to attend! God definitely paved the way making His hands in the process so evident. I know the same hands that cleared the path for me to Passion 2010 were also the ones holding me through some difficult spiritual lessons and sustaining me now as I'll be held spiritually responsible for what I've learned. It was definitely a challenging, convicting, growing, healing and encouraging time! As with SummerLINK, I know I'll be processing through and applying what I learned there for years!
The blessings of the conference began even before arrival. I drove up to Clemson to join my group for the drive to Atlanta. With just four girls in the car, we were able to talk about Passion, to pray together and to listen to the arrival podcast that Louie Giglio had recorded to help us get our minds and hearts ready for a very powerful few days. I also printed off the 16-day prayer journey to read on the way. It was great to be with Clemson girls and to have that time of fellowship and community prayer before getting to Atlanta.
The magnitude of what God was trying to do in my heart started hitting me even during worship in the first main session. Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels Charlie Hall and Matt Redman all lead from the two venues. (Phillips arena cant hold all of Passion so a portion of the group watches the message from the Georgia World Congress Center Arena but they have a separate live worship band) We had Charlie Hall live. He asked "Who is God as he lead "Chainbreaker" -- liberator, heart Savior. He asked "What has God done?" as he lead "Song of the Redeemed" --set us free, purified our hearts and made us clean. Then: "Who are we?" We are Yours. One of the worship leaders said something that struck me "He took the punishment that brought us PEACE" That really got my mind set on God for worship and the message. Louie gave the first message and really set the tone for Passion (as really only he could).
After the first awesome main session, it was on to our first Community Group! We were told by Louie (on the podcast as well as after arrival) that Community Groups would be the place of greatest personal growth during our time at Passion. That was reiterated by our Community Group leader as he opened the first meeting. Louie recorded messages for each of probably 20 Community Groups. With over 21,000 18-25 year olds attending Passion, each Community Group contained about 1,000. He welcomed us to the "Lime Green" Community Group and introduced our leader.
Kyle Dunn is a college pastor serving Baylor University and an old friend of the Giglio's from their time in TX. He's married with 3 kids and is an undoubtedly gifted teacher. And then the real fun began haha. Kyle told us all to "gather our goodies" (backpacks, purses, jackets--there was a lot of layering going....didn't know a "southern city" could get that cold!) and just start "mingling" around the room. When Kyle said stop we had to link arms with someone near us. This little routine was repeated two more times until groups each had 8 people. These are family groups. They're created with the intention of more intimate community during Passion. (pictured below is my family group with Kyle)
While main sessions and breakouts are awesome, they're completed by the opportunity to process everything with a group of loving brothers and sisters. As Kyle simply yet almost profoundly put it: you processing out loud helps others connect the dots. It's so true! I learn more when I can verbally process with others. Sometimes they can articulate something I just can't put into words. I'm convinced that my group was hand-picked by God for me! So many different backgrounds and things to bring to the discussion table.....Our time together and the new friendships formed have been such sweet blessings! We spent that first meeting getting to know each other and preparing for the first full day of passion.
After Community Group, I attended my first late night concert: David Crowder! I'd seen Crowder at Passion Regionals as well as at a concert in Easley my Sr yr of college. I really wanted to take advantage of all aspects of Passion though. The concert was in Phillips on the main stage. Crowder is incredibly funny as an entertainer!
Of course, it was still worship but more laid back than main sessions. Crowder concerts are just fun in general. He's not my favorite of the artists but I do enjoy his band's creativity. They have something called the "keytar". Basically a keyboard worn like a guitar with a neck strap. They have a "band member" named Steve who's actually a robotic drummer. One of the band members also modified a Guitar Hero guitar to be played on stage. At some point in the show they usually play the theme to Mario Brothers.(yes, the video game! haha) It's all pretty crazy and fun to watch! On a serious note though, I read Crowders book, Praise Habit a couple years ago. Its a very insightful and spiritually growing commentary on select chapters in Psalms. David Crowder is definitely not conventional but He is truly a solid worship leader with a great deal to impart on a generation needing more people they can look to who will point them to Christ.
We finished up a little after midnight and headed back to the hotels. Our walk to and from included going through Centennial park. It was still decorated for Christmas and the city was lit up all around us at night. There were so many positive aspects of Passion for the mind, body, and spirit. The walk to and from the hotel each day was so good for my mind and body! I felt great physically with so much activity those few days! Though it was COLD, the morning and evening walks were one of my favorite aspects of Passion.
Most of the 2010 attendees had never been to a Passion Conference (or had just attended the regional in 08- the last full conference was held in 2007) so for the majority, the next day was something completely new.
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