The past couple of weeks have been tremendously growing. I can see how God is stretching me and changing my perspectives on things to be more like His own. Last week, I spent mornings joining members of Crosspoint staff and interns in a Theology class on the Gospel of John taught by a Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary professor. John is full of Jesus' words and actions made even more vivid by the authors commentaries. We've been digging deep into the meaning of Jesus' teachings combined with the actions which exemplify His words. The class was overall very powerful both as a guide to in depth theological study of the Bible and for personal application of Jesus' teachings in the Gospel of John. The basic outline was that we discussed a number of doctrines found in John: Revelation (how God reveals Himself to us), God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, Sin, Salvation/Gospel, and Church/Mission. With each we practiced making theological observations from the passage, refining it with other passages and confessional statements (such as the Creeds, Abstract of Principles and the Baptist Faith and Message) then discussing Life and Doctrine (how the observation helps us be a better Christ-follower) The material was very much given in a "fire-hose" method but I truly enjoyed it. Studying the theology of Gods word is very growing in that it requires going deeper than just reading and understand the basic concept to examining more closely what Christ wanted to convey in His words and actions.
Here are a couple of pictures from the week:

All the John class students with our professor, Dr Shem: Current and upcoming Clemson and Bluffton interns, SummerLINK staff including director, Jeremy

The week was a rare occasion in which all of the Crosspoint interns (Clemson and Bluffton) were in one place. It was so uplifting to be there with them discussing the gospel and through that hearing their hearts for ministry. I've been blessed to be a part of a hand-picked team who is truly running after Christ. I cant wait to spend more time with these amazing brothers and sisters I've learned so much from them already.
God's been so good in pursuing my heart and showing me more of Himself as I seek Him. During the week of the seminary class, I found so much to apply personally. Between the class and SummerLINK content, last week was very personally growing.
The weekend after the seminary class was parents weekend. It was good to see my family. I enjoyed getting to share with them what project has been like and introducing them to the wonderful brothers and sisters I'm blessed to be here with this summer. SummerLINK hosted a cookout for our families on Saturday and the church service on Sunday included some special things including a slideshow to show our families what we've been doing.
On Saturday, the outreach event was at Bluffest, the first annual festival event at a nearby highschool. SummerLINKers helped venders set up, changed trashbags and other odd jobs to help the event run smoothly.

There were a lot of different booths and exhibits at Bluffest including a tank.

Several SummerLINKers enjoying the festival.
For the Bluffton Interns, this week has been one of planning. Monday was the culmination of a great deal of prayer and planning for Coach Spence to speak at a breakfast and a lunch event in Bluffton. The events went smoothly and I very much enjoyed the opportunity to hear this great man of God share some of the wisdom he's gained from years of walking with God.

Crosspoint Bluffton Interns with the Bluffton Connections Pastor (who we are working with this summer), Gray and Coach.
The rest of the week has been spent preparing for the next volunteer team which will be with us next week.
This week has been one of "lasts" for the staff as we have all cherished the last few days and events that we will have them with us. We took the SummerLINK group photo before Prayer and Praise on Sunday and team photos before Celebration on Monday. The photos turned out great and will be wonderful to look back on especially as the students prepare to take full ownership and leadership of SummerLINK.

SummerLINK 2008 Students, Staff, Directors and the church planters who have been our gracious hosts.

Staff girls

Staff guys

Celebration Team! This is one of the three original planning teams for SummerLINK.(a fourth has been added to solely focus on planning group meals but its members were originally a part of the celebration team) After the staff leaves, I will be taking over the responsibilities of the Assistant Team Leader for the team (who coincidentally happens to be my Bible Study Leader). This includes assisting the leader in conducting meetings and ensuring that the group stays on task as well as acting as treasurer for the groups budget. Admittedly I am slightly nervous about maintaining the standard that has been set. Celebration meetings are the only time in the week that SummerLINK has to share a meal, fellowship and get into the word as a group. Its an important time for our growth individually and as a group. I look forward though to this opportunity for growth. I'm excited about what God will teach me and our team through these new responsibilities.
Tuesday was our last Bible Study with our leader, Becca. We had a great night of fellowship celebrating one of the roommates' birthdays with an ice cream cake and fireworks over the water at Shelter Cove. I know the Bible Study I was placed in was handpicked by God to share life together this summer. These are amazing women who have blessed my life so much. Becca will be missed so much but we're all looking forward to how we will grow as we've been charged to continue and increase the depth of our study and walks with Christ in the absence of the staff. Becca shared with us that she related to Paul in I Thess 3:8-9. Although she's saddened to leave us, she has confidence that we'll stand firm in the faith and keep challenging and encouraging one another to grow in our faith. It is so uplifting to hear this sentiment from Becca and the other staff members. The next five weeks will be challenging but also exciting as the team bonds together and spurs one another on.

My Bible Study watching the sunset and fireworks
Tonight, as part of our last women's night, the girls gave our directors wife, Liz, a baby shower. The girls really enjoyed the opportunity to show Liz how much we love and appreciate her.

As I have said, the last couple of weeks have been packed but excitingly as we continue to see God's blessings on our team and our work here. We're excited to see what this next chapter will reveal about Gods plan for project and its members individually.