Fall Background

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


God is good! He's provided a wonderful new job! Although I'm grateful for the opportunities that have led me to this point (and for the people God used to give them to me!), I'm very much looking forward to the growth and further open doors that this opportunity provides. This week has started slowly but it has given me a great blessing in downtime to get to know my coworkers. Everyone has been so welcoming and helpful as myself and other recent new hires navigate all that's required in starting our positions. It's also been a very welcome experience as I'm currently working with the HQ team but I will be moving to an off-site location in the next couple of weeks. I'll be working closely and sharing a workspace with another girl who's a little ahead of me in the entrance process. She and I have had some time to get to know each other while she's been at the main office in the afternoons. I feel a bit like I'm getting to know a new college roommate. We've been joking about making our space cozy and inviting with pictures and such. Katie is such a sweetheart. I'm looking forward to spending the workday with her.
Can't wait to see what God does from here!

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