Fall Background
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A Purpose in Every Season
Although God's been making it clear to me that He's very much still by my side, I'll admit I'm getting a bit anxious for some direction and long-range goals! Thankfully, by His grace, as I've been seeking the Lord about next steps He's been so faithful in gently speaking to my heart: not yet, be at rest, stop striving...comforting yet difficult to accept for a planner!
Some sermons and (as always) music have really ministered to me in this time. Podcasts are such a great companion for roadtrips and sometimes the daily commute or errands. What a blessing God's given in some technology! I love being able to redeem this time to set my thoughts on greater things.
Here's a few snippets from sermons that have ministered to me in this season of uncertainty (somehow I feel as though a bit of uncertainty is meant to be a constant in this walk....) At Passion, Beth Moore pointed out that a believers primary call is to the Savior. He'll reveal the rest in time. Louie Giglio spoke on "Twenty-something or Twenty-someONE" and "Left-turns, detours and the Sovereignty of God" from Passion City Church. Louie brought out the truth that God cares more about my character than my calling. Jon Ludavina at Midtown spoke on singleness as a grace gift. These messages have uplifted me with the truth that I am where I am for a reason.
This season of my life is an amazing opportunity to pour out everything I am for Christ. I have more resources: time, money and flexibility than I will never have in any other season..."Twenty somethings" are creations and tools of God. My generation could make a huge impact for the kingdom if we accept this calling. That starts with individual surrendered hearts.
There's so much talk in the Christian community about a call to go.....what about a call to stay and have an impact in a place you don't necessarily feel attached or drawn to? I don't know if this is a long or short term assignment....either way I want this time to be characterized by an increasingly intimate walk with the Lord.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Global Impact 2010 Missions Conference

The weekend of Feb 26-28, my church held its annual missions conference: Global Impact 2010. This was my first year attending the conference.
The church as a whole is very missions-oriented. Our senior pastor and his family travel to various churches overseas over the holidays each year to personally encourage our partners there. Pastor Buster does his best to keep the body informed of what God is doing through our brothers and sisters serving the ends of the earth. I love that my church leadership has such a heart for missions and believes it important to share as much as possible with the congregation. However, there is really nothing like speaking with our missionaries themselves! I thankfully had Friday off so I was able to spend time with members of my church family preparing for the opening of the conference. The head chef at the church is wonderful! He's such a joy to serve with and so generous to his volunteers! Chef Bob invited us to take a lunch break at the Missions Luncheon. We were given the opportunity to have lunch with the visiting missionaries and the pastoral staff. When I came in, I joined my community group leader another of the girls from the Young Single Adults who are on staff at the church. They were already speaking with a missionary from Afghanistan. It was so refreshing to hear his first-hand account of the mission field. The conversation was very encouraging and eye-opening. Laborers are very wise with resources. I'm looking forward to the growth of this ministry!
Following the banquet on Friday evening, the church gathered for the opening session of the conference. Our main speaker gave us a challenge: put your "yes" on the altar before the Lord. Even before the Lord asks, tell Him that you will follow wherever He leads. It's easy to quickly say yes and dismiss the concept a part of the Christian walk. The speaker encouraged us to take the appropriate time to consider and understand what this entails. If possible, he encouraged taking a day to get alone with the Lord to find out what we may need to say no to in order to say yes to God. This also includes the possibility of saying yes to overseas service.
On Sunday, the Young Single Adults class was blessed to have a missionary from Thailand. He and his family are such examples of God's grace. When he first approached his wife about full time missions in Thailand he found that God had already been preparing her heart to say yes! They adopted a baby boy about 9 years ago finding that they couldn't have children naturally. Around 6 years ago, however, God blessed them with a brother for their oldest son. It was certainly a sweet surprise when a Buddhist nurse told them that God must be involved because she was pregnant!
I very much enjoyed hearing of the college ministry in Thailand. It's such an encouragement that their team now includes so many nationals.
Later that evening, the YSA class again had the opportunity to spend time with the missionaries. We heard from a couple who had served in Bosnia and Croatia. They describe the opportunity as one of the best seasons of their lives. I hope I view opportunities God presents to serve Him as such a great privilege and blessing.
We closed the conference on Sunday as a church body. Pastor Buster told us that our church family would be focusing more resources including laborers to India!! I feel such a personal connection to India knowing friends who are currently serving there or are currently making plans to serve there. I'm looking forward to how God uses this commitment from our church leadership.
During the conference worship sessions, our worship leader lead a song I was introduced to at the Restore Conference in Clemson last year. I love the lyrics as they relate to missions
Lord, let us pray Kingdom Come prayers and live with a Kingdom mindset!
Let Your Kingdom Come
Words and music by Bob Kauflin
As recorded on Valley of Vision
Your glorious cause, O God, engages our hearts
May Jesus Christ be known wherever we are
We ask not for ourselves, but for Your renown
The cross has saved us so we pray
Your kingdom come
Let Your kingdom come
Let Your will be done
So that everyone might know Your Name
Let Your song be heard everywhere on earth
Till Your sovereign work on earth is done
Let Your kingdom come
Give us Your strength, O God, and courage to speak
Perform Your wondrous deeds through those who are weak
Lord use us as You want, whatever the test
By grace we’ll preach Your gospel
Till our dying breath
© 2006 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI).