Fall Background

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Passion 2010: Community Group Study

The routine for Passion was Community Group, main session, lunch, breakouts, afternoon/dinner break (when we picked up late night tickets), Main Session, Community Group, late night LONG days but so packed with amazing theology, wisdom, fellowship and seeing God in new, awe-inducing ways.
Every Community Group at Passion did a study of Colossians 1. It was used to either introduce or remind us of Interactive Bible Study:
Reading a passage and asking:
1. What is the context? (whats going on-to whom, when why)
2. What does it say? (original language)
3. What is God saying about Himself?
4. What does it mean? Implication
5. What does it mean to me? Application

We started with Col 1:15-20 discussing each question with our family groups then Kyle lead us through it as a community group.
Here are some of my notes:
context- Colossians was written to the church at Colossae (modern day Turkey) Paul probably hadnt been to Colossae which was no longer the city center (it was then Laodicia) At the time, starting a church meant evangelizing to those who had never heard, seen or met Jesus (though many doing the evangelizing had) They were dependent on church leaders Paul is in prison. Colosae was in trouble- believing lies that they are still under the law. The fear was that they'd abandon the faith.
Vs 15 His is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn
greek-icon Jesus is the exact representation of God but not an idol He is God- God revealed Himself in Jesus. John 14:9
Firstborn- Supreme
Greek means first Son of God: Jewish- rights and privileges, authority
Prominence not sequence, rank
What does this mean: Implications
If Jesus is the icon, there is no other special revelation coming or needed
What does it mean for me?
Nothing will satisfy like Christ does- the icon, Knowing God is possible through Jesus, Jesus is worthy to be followed- He's supreme.

Vs 16 For by Him all things were created...by Him and for Him
context: Jesus is initiator All things are made to serve and glorify Him
Implications: As creator, Jesus couldnt be created; All power and creativity are in my Saviors hands
--I LOVED this! I love being creative so hearing things like all creativity is in His control reminds me of why things like photography are a form of worship for me. I feel more drawn to Him while expressing creativity.
Satan can only do what our Savior permits Jesus has all power and authority
If all things are for Him, my life exists to serve and glorify Him
What does this mean for me?
If Jesus has authority, I'll fear no evil- all even submits to MY GOD!
Before thinking of myself as gifted, I am a created masterpiece of God
My day is different if I am focused on my purpose to serve and glorify Him This truth changes my life, career path, etc Work and live with the purpose of serving and glorifying God -- this is something I try to remind myself of before going to work. Thinking of unpleasant tasks as serving the purpose of glorifying God definitely changes my attitude towards them.

vs 17 He is before all things and in Him all things hold together
What does it say?
Keeping all things in continuous stability My Savior holds solar systems and my cardiovascular system in place
what does this mean?
He's in and around all aspects of my life, All things continue and exist by the pleasure of His will
Trouble in the world isnt Christ's weakness its all for God's purposes and glory in ways we cant comprehend Part of His plan for history.
What does it mean to me?
I can trust Him with my life.

Vs 18 He is head
What does it say? Church=Body; He's the head Jesus is first of many to be raised
what does it mean? Dont rely on something so temporary when you have something so eternal and valuable Pre-eminent- we wont see the end to His glory We wouldnt want a God we can fully understand
What does it mean to me?
Jesus is possessive over His bride. He has control over every aspect- the messy and the beautiful. We are to fulfill His purpose here and to be His hands and feet
Every church leadership flow chart begins with Jesus
How do I do _______(college/vocation) world while keeping Jesus supreme?
Vs 19 For in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell (greek: to be at home permanently)
Implications: every part of God was resident in Jesus Fully God
What does it mean to me? Through Jesus, I have complete access to God- not a substitute
Vs 20 Through Him to reconcile to Himself all things
God initiates reconciliation with us
There was nothing we could do It pleased God to secure the peace we could never accomplish on our own
The way to restoration with God is the cross - personal faith in Him
I have been reconciled- there is peace between me and God

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